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亚博:老詹鼓舞小球员: 甜瓜躺着也中枪

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-03 18:14:26

老詹鼓舞小球员 甜瓜躺着也中枪


"有一部门汗青上最强的球员们是一向打替补的.替补不料味着他们不强,那只是代表着他们在为球队饰演一种脚色." 詹姆斯说,"假如你不想饰演脚色,那你就该去打网球或高尔夫,由于那样你便可以做你TM 想做的任何事,而且没甚么人会攻讦你,由于那些是单人项目.但假如你要介入团队项目,有些工作是你必需要抛却的."



[–]HornetsIamOlderthanMe 2859 points 18 hours ago *

He is practicing for when he coaches the Lakers kids.


[–][DAL ] Nick Van Exelglansberg_stephen 818 points 19 hours ago

Coach LeBron... Can 't wait !


[–]urteck 283 points 12 hours ago

First day of Lakers practice , Lebron will just play this video


[–][LAL ] Kyle Kuzmamvpofla 70 points 17 hours ago

Bronny: "Ayo Dad ! They want me to come of the bench"


[–]Lakers9D_Chess 6892 points 18 hours ago

Someone needs to edit this and have the camera pan over to a clip of Melo just shaking his head like nah uh , or him lookin like he did on that plane when Kyrie and Jimmy were singing

有无年夜手子来PS 一下这个视频,插手甜瓜摇头的镜头,或插手那段他在国度队飞机上,对着唱歌的欧文和巴特勒大呼"TMD 闭嘴" 的片断.

[–]NuggetsChornimazov 222 points 17 hours ago

This is the speech Lebron gave Melo before he told him he can 't be on the banana boat because someone has to take the picture.


[–]MisterHibachi 58 points 14 hours ago

Aye P they want me to take the picture


[–]Huckleberry_Sin 695 points 18 hours ago

Ayyyy P they said I gotta play golf


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 214 points 17 hours ago

Ayyyy P they said I gotta play tennis


[–]RocketsSuperawesomecoolman 1416 points 19 hours ago

Did Melo see this ?


[–]Kingsdaddydunc 969 points 17 hours ago

"Are you fucking kidding me guys ?"

rips off break-away suit and checks himself into the game

"你们TMD 在逗我吗?"


[–]netcode01 88 points 18 hours ago

Put melo on the kids team so he can learn


[–]secretagentMikeScarn 81 points 17 hours ago

Man why does every thread on this sub turn into a Carmelo hate thread


[–]Hawksbreeze1up 38 points 17 hours ago

Because his attitude goes against everything that goes with a team sport..and well basketball is just indeed one of those.



[–][CHI ] Michael JordanSuburbanLegend 1876 points 18 hours ago

I wonder if there was some particular reason he ’s saying this , like if there ’s a kid who wasn ’t playing and was upset and now is cringing in that huddle like "fuuuuck LeBron is mad at me" hahah

我在想勒布朗是否是有特殊的缘由才说出这些话,是否是有个孩子由于没上场而懊丧了,然后在这个演讲大师抱在一路的时辰他还在想:"哎呦我槽勒布朗这是在生我气了" 哈哈哈

[–]Celticsa_blue_ducks 611 points 17 hours ago

You would probably just be able to see disappointment in their eyes when they found out. I felt pretty sad the first time I was on a team and didn 't start but I didn 't say shit.


[–]njl4515 334 points 16 hours ago

I was happy to MAKE the team. I didn ’t play half of my HS games.



[–]Deacon714 18 points 16 hours ago

Give a man an assist , give a bucket for a day ; teach a man to give assists , give buckets for a lifetime


[–]Nomad_From_The_Horn 2738 points 18 hours ago

Those kids are so lucky


[–]LakersZannX 190 points 17 hours ago

The kid with Lebron 's arm around him. Damn , I wouldn 't shower for a week and let the greatness soak into my bones.


[–]Spurs Bandwagonthisguy012 184 points 16 hours ago

bro why your left shoulder swole af now ?

"嘿兄弟为何你的肩膀此刻肿得像X 一样?"

[–]LamborghiniHigh 32 points 15 hours ago

Improved masterbation technique.



[–][TOR ] OG AnunobyRossTheBossPalmer 440 points 18 hours ago

Confirmed: Lebron to come off the bench this season


[–]NBAFookThaMaywetters 176 points 18 hours ago

ESPN:"BREAKING: LeBron Says Melo Should Play Tennis Or Golf , Not A Team Player."

ESPN :突发新闻!勒布朗称安东尼应去打高尔夫或网球!勒布朗还称后者不是一个团队型球员!

[–]WarriorsMacDerfus 64 points 18 hours ago

[ESPN ] Bronny James encouraged by his father to take up golf

ESPN :布朗尼在父亲的影响下选择了高尔夫!

[–]CavaliersFL14 59 points 17 hours ago

S/o tennis ; I love doing whatever the fuck I wanna do


[–]teehee13 22 points 15 hours ago

First impression was like aye y u gotta shade Tennis mann... then I realized it wasn ’t shade but praise in its own way


[–]LakersKAhnSolo 21 points 13 hours ago

Lol , individual sports really will mess with you. It 's all you out there. The wins feel awesome , the losses are devastating.








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