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亚博:个礼让的人: 勇士 KD是个键盘侠是雷霆 KD

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-02 18:14:21

雷霆KD 是个谦逊的人 勇士KD 是个键盘侠

福克斯体育记者Chris Broussard 在周三早上的一档节目中流露了KD 给本身的短信:在雷霆我只是想取悦他人.

"杜兰特曾发短信告知我:‘你此刻看到的这小我才是真实的我,俄城时的阿谁是个假的.那时辰我只想取悦所有的人,做所有人想让我做的工作.’" 记者说道.

Reddit 球迷对此进行了会商,一路看看他们是怎样对待KD 的!


[–][OKC ] Russell Westbrookmrpengo88 2161 points 11 hours ago

So the guy who gave the heartfelt MVP speech where he praised every individual teammate and called Russ his brother was a phony. Got it.


[–]KingsObi_Wan_KeBogi 1055 points 11 hours ago

I guess Momma Durant ain 't the real MVP :(

那我猜杜兰特妈妈也不是真实的MVP 了,哭唧唧

[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 518 points 11 hours ago

Lol god damn everytime KD says something these days it just makes something he did before look terrible.

哈哈哈KD 比来每说一些工作真的完满是越描越黑

[–]ge0rgew0nder 165 points 11 hours ago

It ’s a shame , I liked okc kd. This new guy is a dick. A genuine dick. But a dick , no less.

很丢人,我喜好过雷霆的KD ,而此刻的他就是个忘八,完完全全的忘八,忘八,真的忘八.

[–]RaptorsKawhiGotUsNow 163 points 11 hours ago

He said he watched rose and brons mvp speech before he gave his so it was more memorable. Dude is fake as fuck. Especially now with how he talks , it doesn ’t seem as genuine anymore.


[–]LakersNot_Frank_Ocean 189 points 9 hours ago

I mean , you could also read that as he was looking for inspiration on how to give an MVP speech since Rose ’s was so good. Do you think Durant was up there lying about his mother ? Come on man. This sub goes so far to shit on KD it ’s insane.

我说,你们也知道他是由于罗斯很是的超卓才去他的演讲里找灵感的吧?你们真的认为他会在那边对他的妈妈说谎?别弄笑吧兄dei ,这个论坛对KD 的评价真是太扯了.

[–][ATL ] Paul MillsapJfklikeskfc 51 points 10 hours ago

Cmon man if he was really faking those tears he needs to be the one getting acting time and not Bron Bron


[–]NBAMintastic 45 points 8 hours ago

Even if some parts of it were made up , it 's 10x better than the MVP speech we got this year. I mean he was being real and all but I would 've preferred if Harden actually had someone write something legit.



[–][NYK ] Nate RobinsonTheKnicksHateMe 168 points 12 hours ago

what about the guy on twitter ?


[–]LakersGeorgeLovesBOSCO 189 points 12 hours ago

Which one ?


[–][OKC ] Paul Georgetoshredsyousay1 200 points 12 hours ago

What a weird thing to say , calling yourself phony is a bit odd.


[–][SEA ] Shawn KempPhuddy 34 points 11 hours ago

The hole he ’s dug for himself is deeper than the Mariana Trench

KD 给本身挖的坑愈来愈深,将近比得上马里亚纳海沟了

[–]KnicksKristapsIsGod 35 points 11 hours ago

KD please stop talking

KD 我求求你憋说了!

[–][LAL ] Kyle KuzmaLonzosJohnson 13 points 6 hours ago

That was the old me , I shed my skin and now I ’m a new reptile.


[–]VenerableHate 221 points 11 hours ago

Kevin Durant needs to find some new people to hang around that are better influences. His business manager , Rich Kleinman is an asshole , and his spiritual guide , Carl Lentz is a prosperity bible jackass asshole. If Durant would stop trying to emulate assholes , he would probably be more likable.

凯文-杜兰特需要找一些新的火伴,能给他带去积极影响的那种.他的掮客人Rich Kleinman 就是个忘八,他的魂灵导师Carl Lentz 也差不多.假如KD 住手模拟这些王八蛋,他可能就会变得可爱起来.


[–]ThunderIEatPandasEveryday 339 points 12 hours ago

He needs to go back to being a phony , he was way more likable that way lmao


[–]HauschkasFoot 162 points 11 hours ago

He ’s #nofilter KD now. If you can ’t handle him at his worst you don ’t deserve him at his best

他此刻是#纯自然无过滤 的KD ,假如你没法承受此刻最糟的他,那你也不值得最好的他.

[–]Rocketssephkane 23 points 7 hours ago

OKC KD was a humble human being. GSW KD fights with kids on Twitter.


[–]MavericksVictorAkwaowo1 213 points 12 hours ago

I ’m convinced he will be the most hated player in NBA history once his career is done

我确信他在退役后会成为NBA 史上最讨人厌的球员.

[–]BulletsRyanLeafgOaT8 25 points 6 hours ago

Imagine telling someone that KD and Kawhi would be two of the most hated players in the league in 2014

想象一下,在2014 年,你告知他人卡哇伊-莱昂纳德和凯文-杜兰特会是NBA 最讨人厌的两个球员......

[–]SupersonicsPoroPoint 23 points 11 hours ago

Kevin Durant is a cool , real bro. I hope people get to know the real him.- KD








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