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亚博体育:科比盛赞塔图姆暑期练习| 鲍尔无辜躺枪

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-07-31 19:08:36


Drew Hanlen:"We actually showed Kobe yesterday (the Kobe and Tatum mirroring moves video ) and he was like 'why didn 't the Lakers draft him ?' and that was pretty funny"

Drew Hanlen (知名练习师):"我们昨天向科比展现了一些录相(就是塔图姆和他对比练习的一些视频),他那时来了一句,‘为啥我们湖人不选他啊.’这话听起来特殊弄笑."


[–]BucksHarrisonsNotAfful 1202 指標 3 天前

Lol Lonzo


[–]Sonicblue123 166 指標 3 天前

Low key..shots fired at lonzo


[–]Bladex10 113 指標 3 天前

RIP Lonzo



[–]Lakerschad12341296 624 指標 3 天前

In all fairness Lonzo did pick Lebron over Kobe too


[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantNY-Kobe-6God 236 指標 3 天前

Cause he loves the passing game.


[–][GSW ] JaVale McGeeArrivedercii 134 指標 3 天前

Well he can 't shoot. Being an above average passer is his calling


[–]HornetsKeepItRealTV 167 指標 3 天前

He 's better than an above average passer. His full court passes are beautiful and it 's the greatest skill in the entire Ball family tree.



[–]Lakersflimsyfresh 753 指標 3 天前

I still have high hopes for Lonzo , but whenever I see new Tatum stuff , I ’m like fuck.


[–]CelticsPaulsGrafh 115 指標 3 天前

Frankly , I ’m fucking terrified of how close he seems to be growing to Kobe. If he leaves for LA at any point in his career I ’m rioting.


[–]HornetsSwagDaddyDoeren 303 指標 3 天前*

Boston was getting Tatum anyways they had the number 1 overall pick. If the Lakers had interest in Tatum , Boston wouldn ’t have traded to Philly and would have taken Tatum first

黄蜂球迷:凯尔特人昔时可是不管若何都要获得塔图姆的,究竟他们有状元签,假如湖人对塔图姆有任何爱好的话,凯尔特人可以不和76 人买卖,然后用状元签选塔图姆啊.

[–]Biglytuff 130 指標 3 天前

But they did the trade so the Lakers still had the option to grab Tatum under their noses. They might ’ve been stuck with Fultz.


[–]LakersNondescriptConscript 110 指標 3 天前

Boston knew we weren ’t gonna take Tatum so they did the trade


[–][BOS ] Jayson TatumXXX666HOE 118 指標 3 天前

I mean they did , cmon if there was a small chance we thought the lakers would take him , we wouldn ’t have traded the first pick. Hell , even us celtics fan didn ’t even know who we were picking until it happened. The josh jackson and jonathan isaac rumor were just as big as jayson tatum. We knew it was probably one of the 3 but didn ’t know which. Jayson Tatum was the number 1 draft pick of that year (not technically but you get my point ). I don ’t think the Lakers or the Sixers need to feel bad about not picking him. Now for all the teams that passed on Mitchell , it ’s a different story except for like the top 7-8 picks since he was def not seen as a top end pick but hey , there ’s players that go under the radar every year. I just don ’t think the Lakers and the Sixers are to blame for this situation.

Ps : as the custom requires me to say , Fuck the Lakers ! Fuck the Sixers !


杰森-塔图姆应当是那一年的状元(固然严酷意义上来讲不是,可是你们应当知道我的意思),我不感觉76 人或湖人要为没选到他而感应难熬,固然对那些错过量诺万-米切尔的球队来讲又是另外一回事了……除手握前7-8 顺位的球队,究竟那时米切尔没有被当作顶尖新秀来看到,可是每年城市有被低估的球员,我只是感觉湖人和76 人其实不应当被没选中本赛季表示最好的球员而遭到求全.

最好再来一句:干死76 人!干死湖人!凯尔特人总冠军!


[–]LakersSkorua 219 指標 3 天前

That fucking kobe boomed us


[–]CelticsMaxidaz 47 指標 3 天前

He ’s so good

凯尔特人球迷:他太棒了(*4 )

注:凯尔特人随队记者:在东决抢七竣事后,我听到勒布朗在更衣室里大呼:"他逮住我了" ,指代塔特姆在他身上完成的阿谁隔扣."塔图姆给我来了一下." 詹姆斯弥补道."他太棒了!" 勒布朗反复说了四遍.所以这几句话已成了塔图姆身上的一个梗.


[–][LAL ] Brandon IngramChubby_Giraffe 80 指標 3 天前

we needed a point guard more then a wing. i like tatum and think about the what if scenario but getting kuzma at 27 helps me sleep a little easier

湖人球迷:话说回来了,那时我们需要一个控球后卫,其实不需要侧翼,我很喜好塔图姆,可是一想到我们用27 顺位选到了库兹马,我的表情又好了一些.

[–]Bladex10 115 指標 3 天前

Lebron/Tatum/Ingram wouldve been a fucking nasty ass trio with Rondo starting as the PG


[–]Weightsandplates 123 指標 3 天前

You ’re right that Lonzo will likely develop quite a bit but it ’s absurd to suggest that he ’ll be a better player than Tatum at this point


[–]CelticsTIMMAH2 72 指標 3 天前

Seriously , it 's like saying the same thing about Kevin Durant vs Rajon Rondo.








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