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亚博:杨狂砍 35+ 11| 他就是人们眼中最年夜成见?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-22 15:53:16

杨狂砍35 +11 |他就是人们眼中最大偏见?

[Post Game Thread ] The Atlanta Hawks (1-2 ) defeat the Cleveland Cavaliers (0-3 ), 133-111 , behind Trae Young 's 35/11 performance

老鹰133-111 克服骑士,特雷-杨全场狂砍35 分11 助攻.


[–][LAL ] Kyle KuzmaTheOriginalElTigre 115 points an hour ago

There have been 6 instances of 130 + point scoring teams this season , wow

湖人球迷:今朝这个赛季已有6 个获得130 +的角逐了,哇哦.

[–]HoodedNinj4 159 points an hour ago

Trae Young is where the Kent Bazemore signing finally starts to pay off.

Steph Curry 's stats before playing with Bazemore: 17.5/4.1/5.8

Steph Curry 's stats since first playing with Bazemore: 25.4/4.6/7.2

Just think , Atlanta was smart enough not to waste the first 3 years of Trae Young 's development waiting for Kent Bazemore to come around and inspire greatness and instead paid him to sit on the roster for 4 years ahead of time.


斯蒂芬-库里在和贝兹莫尔打球之前:场均17.5 分4.1 篮板5.8 助攻.

自从第一次和贝兹莫尔打球以后,库里的数据:场均25.4 分4.6 篮板7.2 助攻.


[–]HawksAsheliaDalmasca4096 450 points an hour ago

Lebron won the east with these guys...


[–]CavaliersRayWhelans 93 points an hour ago

Ahem , let us not forget , uncle Jeff Green is gone.



[–]Lakershideshimori__ 139 points an hour ago

Fuck all the skeptics. This little man has something


[–]Lakersmrdexie 25 points an hour ago

He 's not little lol dude 's 6 '1


[–]MavericksVictorAkwaowo1 160 points an hour ago

I know it ’s only 3 games but can we stop saying the Cavs are a Eastern Conference playoff team plz


[–]LakersHAHAHAHALUL 41 points an hour ago

"Lebron is gone we can finally play our own style of games !!!" -delusional cavs fans in the offseason



[–]Netsaydee123 56 points an hour ago

John Collins , Trae Young , Taurean Prince , and then Barrett/Williamson/Reddish/Little in the 2019 draft makes up a pretty good young core.

篮网球迷:约翰-柯林斯、特雷-杨、小普林斯,然后在2019 年选中一个很强的新秀,我们就会构成一个很是强的年青焦点集体.

[–][TOR ] Fred VanVleetiwontgiveup 209 points 2 hours ago

"We ’re still 4-time Eastern Conference champions , so until you take us down from that , teams ain ’t got much to say. Boston , Philly , they ain ’t got much to say. Boston had homecourt Game 7 and lost. Philly , you guys almost got swept. Toronto - we know that story"


猛龙球迷:"我们依然是四届东部冠军,所以你必需要尊敬我们,其他球队BB 不了我们,凯尔特人、76 人他们没甚么好说的,凯尔特人你们在主场输失落了第七场,76 人你们几近被横扫,猛龙——我们都知道这个梗了."


[–]CelticsRobertLoblawAttorney 69 points 2 hours ago

Meanwhile , the three teams he called out are a combined 7-2 , with the only two losses coming at the hand of one another.

凯尔特人球迷:与此同时,他提到的三支球队此刻一共7 胜2 负,此中输的两场球仍是他们彼此之间打球输失落的.


Trae Young is the first player in the 2018 Draft Class to score at least 30 points

特雷-杨是2018 级新秀第一个最少拿下30 分的球员.


[–]HawksAlVic40117560- 510 points 2 hours ago

He ’s actually fucking schooling the entire Cavs roster. It ’s amazing


[–]CavaliersNaijfreak 225 points 2 hours ago

Believe me that ’s not a hard thing lol


[–]Hawksduhpolan 256 points 2 hours ago

bruh we lost by like 20 to the Knicks

老鹰球迷:要知道我们差不多输给尼克斯大要20 分啊.


[–]CavaliersNaijfreak 50 points 2 hours ago

Lol You are about to understand how good lebron is by the end of this season.


[–]Clippersjcw4455 146 points 2 hours ago

Boy i want him to get to 40.

快船球迷:兄弟,现实上我但愿他能拿40 分.

[–]LakersTheLeBrontoRaptors 690 points 2 hours ago

and there are zero highlights of this performance on the sub right now.


[–][CLE ] LeBron Jamesjamesbond0721 554 points 2 hours ago

if this sub 's golden boy luka donic sneezes in a game though , shit would be on the front page.

the disrespect towards Young is amazing.

骑士球迷:假如是Reddit 之子卢卡-东契奇打出这类数据,估量Reddit 城市被爆屏幕了.


[–]Mavericksshindohikaru 45 points 2 hours ago

Glad Trae Young is doing well.


[–]RocketsStuntman- 18 points an hour ago

Same. Hope Luka has a hell of a career , too


[–]dorchesterhucklber 123 points an hour ago

11 assists with 1 turnover as a rookie. Hot damn

别忘了杨11 个助攻就一个掉误,他仍是个新秀,真的手感滚烫!

[–]HawksKrucialSloth 163 points 2 hours ago

11 assists. Get it right. Also shout-out to Omari Spellman and Kevin Huerter who also had great games as rookies

老鹰球迷:一共11 个助攻太棒了,一样要为斯佩尔曼和赫尔特打CALL ,他们作为新秀打得也很棒.

[–]Lakerszoom94 128 points 2 hours ago

When his shots are falling he is one of the moist exciting rookies. His passing is amazing


[–]HawksDBac7812 46 points an hour ago

If you told me that he would go for 35 and 11 after his first shot of the night , I would 've called you crazy.

老鹰球迷:假如你在他投第一个篮的时辰告知我他能获得35 分和11 个助攻,我必然会说你疯了.

[–]76ersEfficientJellyfish 33 points 2 hours ago

He 's gonna have some nights going like 0/7 , 2/8 and things like that but he 's also going to have some of these nights. He 's gonna be a really good player to build a team around. Rare to find that shooting and that passing.

76 人球迷:他可能确切有一些7 投0 中、8 投2 中的场次,可是他也能打出今天如许的角逐,他确切是一个很适合建队的基石球员,究竟这类投篮和传球能力真的罕有.






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