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亚博:一哥回首客岁西决| 若不受伤可轻松赢火箭?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-04 19:27:07


[Medina ] Andre Iguodala says Warriors would 've gone 4-1 against the Rockets if he was healthy

Medina :安德烈-伊戈达拉暗示假如他能连结健康,火箭在客岁西决早就1-4 落败了.

"Yeah. It would ’ve been short. 4-1. They didn ’t win. We won. It ’s going to be fun seeing them this year. The West got tougher. I like seeing the West this year. The West is going to be fun. We aren ’t the only team , so it ’s no longer , ‘We got to get up for the Warriors.’ That ’s what ’s fun to me. Teams don ’t get the other team ’s best every single night. This year , it ’s not going to be a cakewalk. You can ’t just have your best game against us. You have to play on a nightly basis.



[–]Sunsrice_bledsoe 371 points 4 days ago

I 'm here to get triggered


[–]Trail BlazersCletus_Starfish 68 points 3 days ago

Yeah , this should spur some highly rational discussions between Rockets and Warriors fans , I 'm sure.


[–][LAL ] Kobe BryantDrumzRUs 125 points 4 days ago

Imagine if that was iggy instead of cook on that one play , iggy wouldve passed the ball to a open steph



[–][GSW ] Omri CasspiSteel_Conserative 559 points 4 days ago

A Player confident his team would have won quicker if he was healthy ?

Shocked I tell you , shocked !!!



[–]BucksOk_Maize 97 points 4 days ago

I feel like r/nba 's "who would win , team A of all-stars if everyone had the flu or the Warriors ?" is a better off-season story than these dumb quotes.

雄鹿球迷:我感觉吧,话题区里"全员伤风的勇士和全明星球队谁能赢" 如许的休赛期话题都比这原话援用唤出的话题强良多倍.

[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 30 points 4 days ago

So..........Who would win ?

2018 Warriors Vs 2018 Warriors (-KD )(+LBJ )


2018 年勇士能赢仍是2018 年的勇士(减失落KD 加上詹姆斯)?


[–]HeatDydoDeChamp 19 points 3 days ago

Funny cause Kyrie said that the cavs wouldve won in 2015 if he was healthy and warriors fans lost their minds.

热火球迷:现实上也蛮弄笑的,2015 年欧文说假如他能健康骑士早就赢了,那时勇士粉丝就和掉了智一样喷了起来.

[–][MIA ] Justise WinslowMrMichaelBolton 194 points 4 days ago

That 's not really a hot take. He 's such a good defender and a key player for their team... I still think he 's wrong , but I don 't think it 's a hot take.

热火球迷:现实上这也说得曩昔啊,一哥是一个很好的戍守者,而且在这支球队属在焦点球员……虽然我感觉他这话说得不太对,但也不算XJB 胡说.

[–]MasterOberon 70 points 4 days ago

Why is he wrong ? Those 2 games that they lost back to back , it only came down to a one or two possessions. He wouldn 't have made the difference when the Warriors were struggling to find a 5th man with Houston getting mismatches on switches and allowing Harden and CP3 to go one on one with Looney or Bell ?

他哪里说错了?连输两场不外只输了一到两个回合,他的缺席让勇士在寻觅第五个换防点时堕入窘境,这也让哈登和CP3 有机遇一打一来打鲁尼和贝尔?

[–]WarriorsOgow 96 points 4 days ago

Whether he was right or wrong , my only gripe with the entire series is that Harden flopped into Iggy , which caused him to be injured. Nobody mentions it like Harden is dirty or anything , and I don ’t think it was dirty , but I wish the league would clamp down on the Harden flops when it literally injured someone in the playoffs.


[–]SpursMethodMango 117 points 4 days ago

Zaza flopped onto his own teammate and injured KD



[–]muzinger 90 points 4 days ago

Warriors lost games 4 and 5 by a total of 7 points. It 's not a stretch of the imagination to assume that if the Warriors had Iguodala for those games , they would have been able to win those games or at least finish out the series regardless with or without Paul playing. If people want to make assumptions for Chris Paul , it isn 't silly to do the same for Iguodala. The Warriors were 2-1 with both teams playing without both injuries.

勇士第四场和第五场一共输了氛围,所以勇士可以或许在后续角逐(在有伊戈达拉的环境下)拿下系列赛也不是一个不克不及想象的工作(不管保罗在不在场),假如人们能拿保罗缺席做料想,那末拿伊戈达拉缺不缺席做假定也并不是不克不及接管啊,究竟两人都在场时勇士2-1 领先啊.

[–][SAS ] Danny GreenGee4442 72 points 4 days ago

4-1 ,4-2 ,4-3

There was no way the Warriors weren 't walking out of the west in my opinion


4-1 ,4-2 ,4-3



[–][OKC ] Andre Robersontoshredsyousay1 24 points 4 days ago

4-1 is disrespectful to the Rockets , I say it would ’ve gone 6 games at least. And CP3 ’s value to Rockets >>Iguodala ’s to GSW.

雷霆球迷:4-1 对火箭也太不尊敬了,我感觉最少能打六场,究竟保罗的价值要弘远在一哥.

[–][GSW ] Draymond Greenjthc 73 points 4 days ago

CP3 ’s value to Rockets >>Iguodala ’s to GSW.

Why do people keep bringing this up ? No one is arguing against that.







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