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来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-09-02 16:55:17


In 2012 , the OKC Thunder were a consensus to win at least 1 title in the near future due to their core. 6 years later , they have 0. Which hyped young core do you think will fall apart similarly ?

2012 年,雷霆由于他们的年青焦点而被认为将来最少能夺得一次总冠军,6 年曩昔了,这支球队一无所得,你感觉此刻哪一支年青球队的焦点将会和雷霆一样四分五裂呢?

What team does everyone expect to be Finals contenders for years to come (besides the Warriors ) that you think isn 't as certain as popular opinion would suggest ?



[–]deck13 390 指標 1 天前

76ers or Celtics , just because winning a championship is a hard thing to achieve

76 人或凯尔特人吧,就是由于赢总冠军现实上是一个很难告竣的工作.

[–][SAS ] Manu GinobilixPineappless 55 指標 1 天前

76ers aren ’t that young

马刺球迷:76 人现实上焦点集体还没昔时雷霆那末年青.

[–]WildYams 124 指標 1 天前

Everyone just thinks they are because their players haven 't been in the NBA long , but they were all either missing years due to injuries or playing overseas.

每一个人都感觉他们很年青,由于他们的球员确切都没打很长时候NBA ,可是他们由于伤病和海外履历所以都错过了很多角逐.

[–]76ersIVAN_CLEARY 249 指標 1 天前

I dunno , if Markelle starts then the entire starting 5 is under 24.

76 人球迷:确切如斯,假如富尔茨复出的话,全部首发五虎平均春秋24 岁摆布吧.

[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 69 指標 1 天前

Plus OKC was historically young. No teams make the finals with everyone under 24. Except them. Philly doesn ’t have to do that. Just keep developing guys , make good moves , and land one more piece and they will contend for a championship with Boston once the Warriors all get over 30 or if one of them dips

奇才球迷:雷霆昔时是汗青级此外年青,除他们没有球队能在焦点平均春秋24 岁以下就可以杀进总决赛了.费城也不成能做到这点,他们只能继续培育球员,做几笔好的买卖,然后取得更多拼图,期待着金州渐渐老去或此中一人分开,他们就可以和波士顿一路为了总冠军争霸了.

[–][SAS ] Manu GinobilixPineappless 26 指標 2 天前

I just don ’t see Markelle fitting in with that group. I think Ben needs to be the PG because he ’s a playmaker and if he can shoot mid range jumpers then the league needs to watch out. I wouldn ’t want MF to play Pg and I think he ’s too short to play SG. If I were y ’all I would trade for assets

马刺球迷:我不感觉富尔茨能很好顺应这个年青团队,我感觉西蒙斯必然要打控卫,由于他是绝佳的控球者,假如他能射中中投的话那末全部同盟都需要留意了,我感觉我不想让富尔茨打控卫、并且我感觉他打分位又太矮,假如我是76 人治理层我会用富尔茨买卖换来一些此外资产.

[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 21 指標 1 天前

Fultz is really big for a point guard. He would be a good sized two. I think he ’s bigger than Beal and much bigger than McCollum


[–]WarriorsFrewsa 11 指標 1 天前

Also , he can always defend the 1 , but play like a SG on offense

奇才球迷:一样,他可以戍守1 号位,然后在进攻端饰演2 号位脚色啊.

[–]Warriorspimonster31415 61 指標 2 天前

Simmons can be a defensive 2 and an offensive 1 while Markelle is an offensive 2 and a defensive 1

勇士球迷:西蒙斯可以戍守2 号位然落后攻端饰演1 号位,而富尔茨可以在进攻端饰演2 号位而在戍守端去防1 号位啊.

[–]BullsBone_Dogg 42 指標 1 天前

if he can shoot mid range jumpers then the league needs to watch out

People say this so often about so many players. Guess what ? They ’ve been trying.




[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 31 指標 1 天前

Blake developed a jump shot after years of trying. His midrange game was horrible until year 3 or 4 or so



[–][MIA ] Dwyane WadeBronn_Bronn 8 指標 1 天前

Aren 't as good as OKC was , either.

OKC had their big 3 + Ibaka.

Sixers need a 3rd guy and a 4th guy.



76 人还需要三当家和四当家.

[–][CLE ] Kevin Lovequentin-coldwater 6 指標 1 天前

Simmons is 22 , Embiid is 24. Fultz is 20.

When KD/Russ/Harden made the finals they were 23 , 23 , 22.

It 's similar , at least. But for it to be a good comparison , they 'd need to make the finals this year or next and Fultz would need to develop into a star.


西蒙斯22 岁,恩比德24 岁,富尔茨20 岁.

KD +威斯布鲁克+哈登杀进总决赛时春秋为23 、22 、22 岁.


[–][NYK ] Stephon Marburysalteddan 156 指標 2 天前

I don ’t really get picking the Celtics as more likely to bust than the Sixers... a better head coach , obviously more stable front office , and they ’ve handled their picks and the draft as well as any team recently. I guess you could argue the Sixers young core relies less on a fly-by-night superstar , but I think the pieces have fallen much more in the favor of Boston.

Coming from a Knicks fan who would like to see both teams launched into the fucking moon.

尼克斯球迷:我感觉76 人相较在凯尔特人更轻易四分五裂吧……究竟后者有很棒的主锻练、沉着的礼服组、他们比来在选秀权和选秀的处置上比任何一个步队都强,我猜你可能会感觉76 人的年青焦点们更少依靠那种超等巨星,可是我感觉将来那些拼图球员会更偏向在凯尔特人吧.


[–]KingsSuperherosusan 224 指標 2 天前

I could see Kyrie leaving and Horford/Hayward aging poorly and the great Celtics core never winning anything


[–][WAS ] Gheorghe Muresankubideh_fuckdwight 435 指標 2 天前


ainge will fly too close to the sun with one of these trades someday , i can feel it in my bones




[–]Blackmanwdaplan 82 指標 2 天前

Celtics are the least likely of these young teams because of coaching and front office strength.


[–][MIA ] Udonis Haslemelbenji 104 指標 2 天前

That 's what they said literally about okc


[–][LAC ] Patrick BeverleyTatumBoomedMe 99 指標 2 天前

Young cores are overrated. People always bring up Ingram , Lonzo , Kuzma , Tatum and mention them as if they ’re guaranteed stars in the future.


[–]Blackmanwdaplan 26 指標 2 天前

Sixers or Lakers

76 人或湖人吧.


[–]Raptorsnizmooh 9 指標 2 天前



[–]aciman 13 指標 2 天前

Where 's the hype ?


[–]Raptorsnizmooh 21 指標 2 天前

Idk I remember like two years ago being really excited for lavine-wiggins-towns that year when they all averaged 20 as a trio + I had faith in Dunn who was misused by Thibs imo and Lauri incoming in the draft could have given them a solid squad to build on.

猛龙球迷:大要还在两年前,我对拉文+维金斯+唐斯的声势布满着等候,他们都在20 岁摆布+我对邓恩布满着决定信念,相信他在锡伯杜的调教下能干出一番年夜视野,并且那时丛林狼还机遇选择马尔卡宁,我感觉他们真的能组建一个很是不错的青年军的.

[–]aciman 64 指標 2 天前

Sixers. They 're just not that good

76 人更轻易四分五裂吧,他们底子没有人们想象得那末优异.

[–][LAL ] Nick YoungTheChipiboy 17 指標 1 天前

I feel like they will digress after losing out on Belineli and Illyasova


[–]MavericksBayonettaBasher 161 指標 1 天前

Warriors 2015 was a young core that developed right

独行侠球迷:诚恳说2015 年的勇士是一个年青的焦点声势啊,他们成长的也很不错.

[–]Lakersrawchess 59 指標 1 天前

Seriously , the Warriors turned a 7th pick into the first unanimous MVP and an 11th and 35th (!) pick into perennial allstars.

They 're the reason people are so into this organic core idea now.

湖人球迷:严厉来讲,勇士用第七顺位选了一个MVP ,然后用11 顺位、35 顺位!选了将来的全明星.



[–]GrizzliesWehavecrashed 30 指標 1 天前

The kings drafted IT , DMC , Tyreke Evans and didn 't develop shit. You gotta have great people at every level in your org , drafting , developing , coaching and trading.







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