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来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-18 19:36:59


库里近日做客了比尔-西蒙斯的播客节目,在节目中,西蒙斯提到:"看起来,曩昔两年,每次乐福换防到你的时辰,你都像是回到2016 总决赛G7 一样想吃失落他,这公允吗?" ·


Reddit 键盘侠对库里的回覆进行了强烈热闹会商,一路来看看他们说了些甚么!!


[–]RaptorsDeArmani_DeBooker 1445 points 16 hours ago

somewhat similar to kobe saying he wanted to destroy the jazz after airballling those 3s


[–][UTA ] Donovan MitchellDevouringOne 852 points 15 hours ago

And he did :(


[–]WarriorsMacDerfus 215 points 14 hours ago

Took his time.


[–]Virge23 198 points 14 hours ago

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


[–]asentientgrape 75 points 12 hours ago

It means that revenge is most successful and satisfying when it 's premeditated , instead of being heat-of-the-moment.


[–]LakersSyno_Alkheiser 47 points 11 hours ago

After Kobe 's playoff loss in '98 to Utah , this is his playoff record against them afterwards (not a single series lost )


Won in 6 averaging 33/7/7

2008-2009 :

Won in 5 averaging 27/5/6


Swept them averaging 32/4/6

He got the Jazz alright.

在科比1998 年季后赛输给爵士以后,他季后赛对爵士的数据是介样的(再没输过系列赛):

2007-08 :6 场角逐场均33 +7 +7

2008-09 :5 场解决,场均27 +5 +6

2009-10 :横扫,场均32 +4 +6


[–]Bullsjpark28 22 points 7 hours ago

And then dropped 60 on em in the final game of his career

然后他在职业生活生计最后一场角逐里面临爵士砍下了60 分.


[–][OKC ] Russell WestbrookFukaro 1027 points 16 hours ago

Wounds heal pretty nicely when you win back to back afterwards with a good chance of 3-peating.


[–]Bullsmrpoopybutthole551 455 points 13 hours ago

Then why won ’t Durant chill the fuck out ?


[–]PoliticalScienceGrad 717 points 13 hours ago

Because he ’s insecure af.


[–]Wizardsibwyeciundsv 161 points 12 hours ago

Careful. Soon you 'll have a bunch of Durant defenders coming to call you an armchair psychologist despite mountains of evidence to prove your point.

谨慎点,待会就会有一群杜兰特来喷你是"精力错乱的键盘侠" 了,虽然你有成山高的证据.

[–]Wizardsibwyeciundsv 198 points 12 hours ago *

please u think id respond to these blogbois lol oh shit wrong account


[–]76erstrappersdelight 40 points 13 hours ago

Curry hasn ’t felt any heat since 2016. Durant will prolly chill out in 2 years too.

库里从2016 年后就没怎样受过攻讦了,杜兰特过个一两年估量也会沉着下来了.


[–]Hornetsskepticdoubt 790 points 17 hours ago

Curry is opening up alot here


[–]WestJreynold 176 points 15 hours ago

I like that he admitted that lost 2016 title still bothers him.

It makes sense , if he 's playing for a place in history , that will always be one that was a few points away. If he finishes his career with 6 titles , he 'll know he could 've had 7.

我蛮喜好他认可2016 年掉冠依然困扰着他这一事实.

这是讲得通的,假如他想争取汗青地位的话,那年就是他的"几分之遥".假如他退役的时辰拿了6 个冠军,他会感觉本身本可以拿7 个.

[–]Warriorsgreen___street 211 points 14 hours ago

Not only that but the 2016 title is arguably more valuable , for him as a player , than any other one since. 2016 was his year , that was his team , and he needed to put the chatter about the 2015 win to rest. Now he 's won back to back but you 've got the KD qualifier.

2016 年冠军不止对他、对任何人来讲都是(更)最有价值的.2016 年是属在他的一年、那支勇士是他的球队,他需要阿谁冠军来让他们2015 年夺冠的命运论闭嘴.他此刻拿到了卫冕冠军,但有KD 就意味着他们是保底总决的.

[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 108 points 14 hours ago

Yeah this is a good point. I feel like Curry never got real redemption so to speak for 2016. Adding KD just made it a whole new era and I feel like completely different teams were playing eachother. It really bums me out. You could have a potential rubber match between two equally talented teams in the Warriors and Cavs. You have OKC (if KD returns ) adding Horford and wanting redemption for THEIR 3-1 loss. You 've got the Rockets up and coming.

All vanished by the hardest road.

对的,我也这么认为,我认为库里从没有救赎本身的2016 年.KD 加盟后就是一个新的时期了,勇士也是完全分歧的球队了.这真的很让我不测.我们本可以再看一次骑士勇士的公允对决.然后杜兰特在1-3 被翻盘后获得霍福德,完成他本身的救赎,然后西部还上升的火箭......

这一切都被KD 最艰巨的路给毁了.

[–]PelicansGuyote_ 33 points 12 hours ago

I was so hyped for the Cavs-Warriors to be this era ’s Lakers-Celtics.

LeBron vs Curry

Irving vs Klay

KLove vs Green

I remember leaving the bar after Game 7 in 2016 with my friend and thinking , "holy fuck. We ’re going to get years more of this greatness." It felt like for a moment we were living in the glory days.

Then KD joined the warriors and laid a boulder on one side of the scales. It wasn ’t fair anymore. It wasn ’t fun anymore.

我原本很冲动骑士vs 勇士会成为这个时期的湖人和凯尔特人




我还记得2016 年G7 分开酒吧后,我跟我的伴侣说"天了噜,我们还要见证好几年如许的伟年夜对决!"


然后KD 插手了勇士,在天平的一边狠狠地加了码,不再公允、不再有趣了.


[–]Maverickshiiigoon 233 points 15 hours ago

Tbh Lebron played safety since Barnes played like ass. So it was basically 4 on 5 lmao

讲事理,在巴恩斯打成屎以后,勒布朗根基就是一个补防者的脚色,勇士根基上是在4 打5.

[–]WarriorsMacDerfus 166 points 14 hours ago

That 's Harrison Defensive Rebound for Cleveland Barnes to you.

熟悉一下,哈里森"出手就等在骑士的篮板" 巴恩斯

[–]WarriorsSpider_Bear 81 points 13 hours ago

yeah , had Barnes even shot like 300% the last 3 games could have been a different story.

Which is crazy because he was insanely good at the corner 3 that season

对啊,假如巴恩斯在最后三场有30 的三分射中率,成果城市纷歧样.


[–]Warriorsmanisier 3 points 7 hours ago

Just couldn 't handle the pressure lol. They weren 't defending him like he was Dwight in 2016

就是没法承受压力咯.骑士在2016 年放巴恩斯的三分就像在放霍华德一样.





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