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亚博:乐福在姚明眼前像个弟弟| 球迷忖量姚明

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-13 07:04:35


[Kevin Love ] Love standing next to Yao Ming.



[–]100ProofBlood 2426 指標 1 天前

5 '11" vs 6 '0"


[–]Trail Blazersmatrixreloaded 668 指標 1 天前

Reality v Tinder

开辟者球迷:实际与Tinder 之间的差距就是这么年夜.

注:Tinder 是美国的一款生疏人社交软件,有人说探探的模式在必然水平上鉴戒了Tinder.

[–]klawhileonard 59 指標 1 天前

1.79m vs 1.8m


[–]JustANotchAboveToby 63 指標 1 天前

Would the average tinder girl go with 5 '9 and good looking or 6 '2 + but not so good looking

你们说Tinder 上平均水准上的女孩是愿意和一个一米七五的帅哥出去约会仍是和一个一米九但边幅平平的人出去约会呢?

[–]Psychic_rock 231 指標 1 天前

Judging by the demographics survey , this is the wrong sub for that question.


注:此前Reddit 的NBA 版块做过一次生齿普查,该版块的女性不足50%.

[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingramfriskydongo 23 指標 1 天前

Bruh we 're all 5 '9 and not so good looking so we 're not the best to ask lol.


[–]NBAMygaffer 103 指標 1 天前

My dad has a weird version of this , where 's actually a 6 footer (a little taller actually ) but he would say he was 6 '2", and then it became 6 '3".

Then I 'd stand next to him and say ,"well how come I 'm barely 6 '1" and just a smidge taller than you ?

"Oh no , you must be 6 '3.5".


然后有一天我和他背靠背站在一路说了一句:"我知道本身不外一米八五" ,为啥我比一米九得要高呢?


[–][PHO ] Dick Van Arsdaletheangrylobster 268 指標 1 天前

As a 5 '11 (actually 5 '10 ) guy this triggered me.

76 人球迷:作为一位一米八(现实上一米七八)的孩子来讲,这些谈吐有些危险到我了.

[–][MIN ] Jimmy ButlerRev4890 310 指標 1 天前

how ’s life being 5 ’8.5"


[–][PHO ] Dick Van Arsdaletheangrylobster 125 指標 1 天前

I 'm 5 '10 with heels

76 人球迷:老哥穿了高跟鞋懂不?


[–]EzeDoes_It 639 指標 1 天前

I miss Yao so much :( always had hope he 'd come out of retirement but it 's probably too late for that now.


[–]NBAdchaid 457 指標 1 天前

He had way too many different foot injuries for that to ever be possible. I wish we had more Yao during his prime. Him coming in to the league was so fun.


[–]Celticsasdfasfhsdfgh 333 指標 1 天前

Yao basically sold away his health in order to play basketball nonstop for 10 years.


[–]Celticsnot_Brendan 172 指標 1 天前

Playing for China nationally many a year during summers , when most players train and recover their bodies from a grueling NBA season , really did it. He also played 5 years of Chinese pro ball for the Sharks before the NBA. Granted , those are like college length seasons , but still.

凯尔特人球迷:在年夜大都球员操纵NBA 休赛期练习和恢复身体的时辰,姚明还在为国出战,这很伤.并且他还在登录NBA 之前为上海年夜沙鱼打了五年中国职业篮球,虽然CBA 的赛程长短和年夜学差不多,可是对身体也是一种消耗.

[–]RaptorsKluey 144 指標 1 天前

Being 300 + lbs and 7 ' 7" or whatever he is probably didn 't help either.

Bigs (especially extremely big bigs ) will get injured inevitably.



[–]Raptorssixfoh 342 指標 1 天前

Yao gave everything he had to basketball , both in the NBA and in China.

Ended up being his downfall , those feet couldn 't support the godlike skills of Yao Ming.

猛龙球迷:不管是NBA 和中国,他都支出了一切.


[–]flower-boy-memes 114 指標 1 天前

It ’s crazy that Yao played in tournaments that didn ’t even matter that much for China. Commendable of him though.


[–]BullsDunlocke 197 指標 1 天前

Made about 100 mil in the NBA , and it 's not like he baked his brain like those NFL boys. Worth it.

公牛球迷:姚明在NBA 挣了一亿美金,他也没有像NFL 那些家伙一样撞坏脑壳,所以仍是很值吧.


[–]Rocketsis_a_socialist 352 指標 1 天前

Damn. I hadn ’t seen a super recent picture of Yao Ming , but the dude looks pretty good. I know he ’s really not that old , but still. Usually dudes his size get super fat or look way older than they should when they ’ve been out of the league as long as he has. Maybe he got a little extra junk in the trunk , but who doesn ’t like that anyway ?


[–]Hornetspangzineng 229 指標 1 天前*

He has lost some weights recently.

There was a time when he was seriously out of control , even Shaq looked like the "after weight lost" comparison in commercial standing next to him. There was a report last year , with Yao 's wife said he was close to 200kg (440 lb ) due to the pressure as the new president of Chinese Basketball Association.

Edit: to put it into perspective , average weight for NBA players last season was 218 lb , so Yao was heavier than two of those last year.


有一段时候他真的是完全放飞了自我了,即便沙克在他眼前也像方才减肥完的模样,这是客岁的报导,按照姚明的老婆所说因为方才当上CBA 总裁,他的压力曾让他的体重飙升到200 千克(440 磅)

编纂:为了让你们更好理解,上赛季NBA 球员的平均体重为218 磅,所以姚明最重的时辰抵得上两个NBA 球员.

[–]Rocketsis_a_socialist 102 指標 1 天前

Dang. I ’m glad he ’s looking better and healthier now.


[–]RocketsBZ-B 71 指標 1 天前

Fairly recent video of Yao in the wild with Bear Grylls. Pretty funny.



[–]BullsJustinTimberlakeFTW 185 指標 1 天前

It 's not just his height , Yao Ming 's head is so fucking big too. My mans looking like an Easter Island head got surgically attached to his body.


[–][HOU ] Chris Paulclutch-city2k15 120 指標 1 天前

Kevin doesn 't look nearly as small as other players do compared to Yao.


[–]RocketsTheProfessxr 87 指標 1 天前

I saw Yao at the airport once , I 'm 6 '5" and it was still jarring how tall he was. Wish he could have played longer.








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