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亚博体育:锡伯杜曾在季前赛让 JB打全场| 老詹只有一个

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-09 20:00:17

锡伯杜曾在季前赛让JB 打全场|老詹只有一个

Back in 2012 , Thibodeau played Jimmy Butler all 48 minutes in a preseason game against the Timberwolves

回溯到2012 年,(时任公牛主帅的)锡伯杜曾在对阵丛林狼的季前赛中,让吉米-巴特勒打满48 分钟.

Source: https:http://chicago.sbnation.com/2012/10/14/3501232/chicago-bulls-2012-jimmy-butler

With Deng getting a night off to rest a groin injury in Chicago 's 82-75 preseason loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves Saturday , replacement Jimmy Butler stepped right into Deng 's role , playing the entire 48 minutes.


"在周六公牛以75-82 不敌明尼苏达丛林狼的季前赛角逐中,鲁尔-邓因腹股沟伤势缺阵,而顶替他进场的吉米-巴特勒则打满了全数48 分钟."


[–][BOS ] Jayson Tatum IntergalacticWZRD 2885 points 1 day ago

That ’s absolutely ridiculous.

You know it ’s kinda funny. My highschool coach was a real hard ass Former marine , he ’s been coaching for 40 + years. Coached against Marcus Camby at the highschool level. He ’s very similar to Thibs in style and demeanor and of course half way through my senior season we find out that him and Thibs are on first name basis with each other. They even had dinner when Thibs was in town playing the Celtics.



[–]F7U12_ANALYSIS 940 points 1 day ago

Do you think he would ’ve played jimmy butler 48 minutes in a preseason game ?

你感觉你的高中锻练会让巴特勒在季前赛中打满48 分钟吗?

[–]Thunder carmelol_assthony 703 points 1 day ago

I feel like even a real-hard-ass-former-marine wouldn ’t play Butler for 48 mins in a preseason game. That is absurd.


[–]Salami_On_Rye 166 points 1 day ago

I 've been to a couple of preseason games over the years as there 's no NBA team in my city. (Well , there was. Two of 'em in fact.) I 've never seen a starter actually log minutes in the second half. And both times , at least one star was not even at the game.

As a fan of the sport , it would be cool to see a great player actually playing a full game in preseason. As a fan of the team , it would be stupefying.

这些年来,我仍是去看过两场季前赛角逐的,虽然说我的城市没有NBA 球队(好吧,曾有,还两支呢:圣地亚哥火箭和快船).我还从未看过哪一个首发球员鄙人半场还上场的,而且最少有一位球星乃至都不会进场.


[–]pubgplayer14 123 points 1 day ago

and that 's why a lot of the starting bulls came out super injured or with chronic pains.

Thibs played them like workhorses because he 's an idiot and to top it all off , the Bulls medical staff are the most incompetent group of trainers in all of sports. Check Luol Dengs story. That shit fucking SUCKS.


[–]94savage 20 points 1 day ago

None of Thibs players hate him or think he ruined their careers. Stop making stuff up


[–]Bulls Ar4bAce 27 points 1 day ago

Butler wasnt Jimmy Butler in 2012.

公牛球迷:2012 年的巴特勒可没有现在的地位.


[–]Raptors Bowiescorvat2 1469 points 1 day ago

What the fuck. This guy has a fetish for Jimmy , if I was Jimmy I 'd get the fuck away too

猛龙球迷:CTMD.这货是否是对利用巴特勒有啥怪癖,要我是JB 早特么走人了.

[–]NBA dreamofbeans 569 points 1 day ago *

Maybe that ’s how he gave Jimmy the confidence to improve. Maybe Luke should play Josh Hart 48min later he might turn into the next Jimmy

或许这就是锡伯杜赐与巴特勒前进的决定信念的体例.或许沃顿今后也应当让约什-哈特打满48 分钟,如许哈特就可以成长为下一个巴特勒了.

[–]Bulls JR_Swiiish 382 points 1 day ago

Maybe he should play Wiggins for 48 every game for the rest of the year

公牛球迷:照你这么说的话,那锡伯杜这个赛季每场角逐都该让威金斯打满48 分钟.

[–]username--_-- 62 points 1 day ago *

I feel like there is an argument on both sides for this. In 2012 , Jimmy was just coming off a rookie year , as a 2nd late first round pick where he got almost no playing time.

Might as well give the guy as much playing time as possible in the preseason , when nothing matters , than in the regular season when every game matters. Plus Jimmy seems like the guy , who at the prove it stage of his career , would have been absolutely ecstatic at getting that type of opportunity.

我感觉这事儿还得一分为二的对待.究竟在2012 年的时辰,巴特勒才竣事本身的处子赛季,作为一个首轮末位秀,他几近没啥上场时候.


[–]Splashshots 960 points 1 day ago *

Do be fair in 2012 Jimmy was just in his second season and didn ’t play a ton as a rookie. It ’s not like Thibs was playing one of his star players 48 minutes , he was playing a young guy to give him more experience.

Edit: Guys I realize he still shouldn ’t be playing anyone 48 minutes a game let alone in the preseason. I ’m just trying to put some context out there.

有句讲句啊,2012 年的巴特勒还只是职业生活生计的第二个赛季,他在菜鸟赛季又没啥上场机遇.锡伯杜又不是让本身手下的哪一个球星打满48 分钟,他只是让一个年青队员堆集更多的角逐经验啊.

弥补申明:列位老哥,我知道他不应在一场角逐中让任何人死操48 分钟,更别提季前赛了.我只是想交接一下工作的布景.

[–]Thunder jd_beats 276 points 1 day ago

I was about to post this... Jimmy didn ’t take off until really the next year after this... 48 minutes is probably too much , but giving big playing time to a guy that still needs lots of experiences to develop into a great player isn ’t that weird.

雷霆球迷:我也筹算说这事儿来着……巴特勒恰是在这以后的一个赛季才迎来奔腾的……也许48 分钟太多了,可是赐与这么一名急需角逐经验的年青球员如斯足够的上场时候,好让他成长起来,这也没啥年夜惊小怪的吧.

[–][DEN ] Nikola Jokic RedSoxEatPoop 90 points 1 day ago

48 minutes is 48 minutes though dawg...in a preseason game that is insane.

[–][MIL ] Michael Redd philosophickle 232 points 1 day ago

约基奇球迷:但那可是48 分钟啊,哥……仍是在季前赛中,这真是荒诞乖张.

[–]Magic Herakleios 31 points 1 day ago

Eh... I think playing ANYONE 48 minutes in a preseason game is insane.

Honestly , playing someone more than 30 minutes in a preseason game is also kind of crazy... I feel like one of the big points of preseason is to try a bunch of different lineups and see just how deep your bench really is...

魔术球迷:呃……归正我就感觉任何人在季前赛里打满48 分钟都是很离谱的.

诚恳说,任何人在季前赛中进场跨越30 分钟就有点疯狂了……我感觉季前赛主要的一点意义在在,测验考试几套分歧的首发,看看球队的板凳深度若何……

[–][MIL ] Michael Redd philosophickle 232 points 1 day ago

Playing 48 minutes drastically increases your chances of injury. It 's just unprofessional and dangerous to play someone-- anyone-- that long.

里德球迷:打满48 分钟就会增添受伤的概率.让任何球员打这么长的时候,这类做法很是不职业,也很危险.

[–]Raptors Astro_Sloth 86 points 1 day ago

Except LeBron James


[–]Jazzs altnvinegar26 100 points 1 day ago

Lebron isn ’t mortal though.


[–]Knicks CoilConductor 32 points 1 day ago

honestly LeBron is just hard to bench



[–]JohnParish 143 points 1 day ago

I would think even if that was the regular season , it would be absurd. If you are Lebron in the playoffs , sure , play the whole game , otherwise , nobody should be playing the whole game in this day and age unless everything is on the line.

"Thibodeau also noted that he could get away with playing Butler big minutes because Butler has worked hard on his conditioning this offseason." that 's such a load of shit man. Nothing was on the line.

即使不是季前赛而是常规赛,我感觉打满48 分钟也是荒诞乖张的.假如你是季后赛里的詹姆斯,那没弊端,可以打满全场,不然,这个年月没有任何人应当去打满全场,除非情势所逼.

至在那种"锡伯杜还指出,他让巴特勒打那末多的时候而毫发无损是由于JB 休赛期练习有方" 的说法,这特么纯洁扯淡.季前赛里还啥要紧的?

[–]Knicks diablofreak 20 points 1 day ago

Everything was on the line for that pre season game. Maybe he had all his money in Vegas.

(Can you gamble on a preseason game )



[–]76ers ManSoldWorld 72 points 1 day ago

Thibodeau is just a pure competitor , but in the worst possible way. He has that vision of basketball perfection , but he goes about it like a dumbass: playing your players into the ground

76 人球迷:锡伯杜纯洁就是个竞争者,不外是以那种最糟的体例.他很是寻求完善,但他的体例就像个傻X 一样:死命糟践球员.

[–]jtsports272 20 points 1 day ago

He is just plain stupid : people are not robots there is a point where everyone gets tired and performance declines


[–][SAS ] Matt Bonner bb1432 302 points 1 day ago

I was on the Thibs is a shitty coach because of his rotations train for at least that long.

I welcome the company.



[–][DAL ] Dennis Rodman wonderboy0 516 points 1 day ago

This is bordering on unhealthy obsession and Jimmy needs to get the fuck outta there

罗德曼球迷:他对巴特勒的沉沦有些病态了,JB 赶快走人吧.

[–]Pistons drcash360-2ndaccount 292 points 1 day ago

Pour one out for D Rose and Loul Deng


[–]Rolodox 150 points 1 day ago

This guy Thibs killed DRose 3 years into his career smh


[–]Pistons drcash360-2ndaccount 133 points 1 day ago

Up double digits in game 1 with 1 minute left....

系列赛第一场(2012 年季后赛首轮公牛vs76 人,公牛领先12 分的时辰罗斯左膝盖前交叉韧带扯破)只剩一分钟领先两位数的环境下罗斯还在场上……

[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryant Malificari 101 points 1 day ago

that wil forever triggered me. fuck that game and fuck thibs. i called that injury too when i was watching the game with my brother.

科比球迷:这是我永久的痛.傻X 角逐,傻X 锡伯杜.我和哥们儿看那场角逐的时辰就感觉罗斯可能会受伤.

[–]Bulls LeZygo 13 points 1 day ago

He likes to grind players into dust. He did D-Rose 's career no favors.








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