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亚博:罗斯已交战 NBA近 11年| 我们忽然间就老了

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-05 18:24:11

罗斯已征战NBA 近11 年|我们突然间就老了

D-Rose:"I am in year 11 now. I tore my ACL in my third year. Most guys would have been retired. Financially , I have saved my money. It ’s all about the love. I still feel like I can hoop."

德里克-罗斯:"现在已是我进入同盟的第11 个年初了.我在进入NBA 的第三年就遭受了前交叉韧带扯破,年夜部门人也许已是以而退役了.就经济层面斟酌,我已存够了钱.(之所以一向对峙)一切都源自我对篮球的酷爱.我依然感觉本身还能打球."


[–]Lakers InclusivePhitness 1377 points 21 hours ago

He was too athletic/explosive for his body.


[–]Bulls Smathers 877 points 20 hours ago

Those stupid god damn knees couldn ’t keep up with his greatness ! He was too big. Too strong. Too fast. TOO GOOD DAMMIT !


[–]evanstm01110 73 points 15 hours ago

He also had a terrible trainer who didn ’t know what he was doing


[–][LAL ] Robert Sacre Dupragon 35 points 14 hours ago

You have me curious


[–]evanstm01110 110 points 14 hours ago

He was diehard to his brother , who was clearly amateur. When he signed with wolves , the organization forced him to use their trainers. One of the reasons I have hope for his health.



[–]Bulls Oeselian 3729 points 22 hours ago

11 years. 11 fucking years already ? How the time flies... I 'm suddenly old.

I love Derrick Rose.

公牛球迷:11 年了.罗斯都特么在NBA 有11 年了吗?光阴似箭啊……我忽然间就老了.


[–]Cavaliers yuhanz 969 points 21 hours ago

I 'll never forget watching at 3AM for when the Bulls pushed the Celtics to 7.

骑士球迷:我永久也忘不了公牛把凯尔特人逼进抢七的角逐(2009 年东部季后赛首轮,公牛3-4 不敌卫冕冠军凯尔特人,两边7 场角逐7 个加时).

[–]Lakers flimsyfresh 104 points 21 hours ago

One of the all time great series.


[–]NBATwoTrey 47 points 18 hours ago *

Amen. I can 't wait for another series to rise up to its level of competitiveness.


[–][CHI ] Michael Jordan ThexJwubbz 42 points 14 hours ago

‘07-‘11 Bulls were so much fun to watch , mainly because they all worked their asses off and just fucking hustled. That ’s why the city loved Nate Robinson , Kirk Heinrich , Luol Deng , Joakim...they never fucking quit.

乔丹球迷:07 年到11 年的那支公牛队太有不雅赏性了,首要仍是由于他们全员都很拼,干就是了.所以芝加哥很喜好内特-罗宾逊、亨里奇、鲁尔-邓和诺阿……他们从不畏缩.

[–]ABULOC 66 points 22 hours ago

Feels just like yesterday I was watching the NBA draft hoping the Bulls select Derrick Rose over Michael Beasley.’


[–]Wizards ThePhattestOne 41 points 20 hours ago

Shoutout to Derrick Rose !!!


[–]Bulls Smathers 54 points 21 hours ago

I ’ll always root for him no matter what


[–]Lakers MuscleBestbrook 154 points 23 hours ago

I still feel like I can hoop.


You can , DRose. You can. Show the doubters !

湖人球迷: 援用"我依然感觉本身还能打球."



[–]Miamiheatfan 4life 1957 points 23 hours ago *

Of course he ’s not retiring his shoe contract will pay him 14 million a year as long as he ’s in a NBA roster.

热火球迷:他固然不会退役.只要他还在NBA 打球,他的球鞋援助商就会每一年给他付出1400 玩美金(早在2012 年,阿迪达斯就和罗斯签下了一份为期13 年总价值1.85 亿美元的合同,平均每一年阿迪达斯需要向罗斯付出跨越1400 万美元).

[–][PHI ] Markelle Fultz RingTheBellPhilly 570 points 23 hours ago

It was rumoured when there was reports he was contemplating retirement that they would continue to pay him.


[–]poopfeast180 385 points 23 hours ago

Doubt it. Hes a very popular player so Adidas wants him playing.


[–]Lakers so-cal_kid 96 points 22 hours ago

It 's possible he would still get part of it considering he 's still super popular in China


[–]Bulls State_of_Iowa 152 points 19 hours ago

he 's popular in Asia in general. here in Thailand i see his jerseys second only to Lebron.


[–]Warriors Skulfunk 32 points 18 hours ago

Any Kobe or KD jerseys ?


[–][NYK ] Amar 'e Stoudemire arvs17 51 points 18 hours ago

Lots here in Philippines



[–][GSW ] JaVale McGee ashwinr136 1999 points 23 hours ago

Rooting for him.


[–]Celtics Ellisd326 778 points 22 hours ago

He 's gonna win a ring with you guys eventually.


[–]Hoodxd 359 points 21 hours ago

Only time I ’d root for the GSW


[–][GSW ] Jordan Bell TeaInUS 93 points 21 hours ago

idk if d rose will ever sign with us


[–]Bulls 6543RS 88 points 18 hours ago

Imagine three MVPs in the same team ! 4 MVP titles total.

公牛球迷:想象一下你们一个队有三个MVP 球员!一共4 个MVP 奖杯!

[–]rg24 35 points 17 hours ago

That 's crazy , that will never happen. 2 MVPs , 3 MVP titles , 5 All-Stars on the starting 5 , sure. But 3 MVPs on the same team will never ever happen , that 's just crazy talk

那太疯狂了,不成能产生的.此刻勇士首发声势已有两个MVP 球员,三个MVP 奖杯和五个全明星球员了.可是一支队有三个MVP 球员是不成能实现的,你那是说胡话.

[–][BOS ] Paul Pierce pyroaquatics 18 points 17 hours ago

04 lakers

皮尔斯球迷:04 年湖人领会一下

[–]Lacroixprogram 26 points 16 hours ago

‘11 Thunder

还11 年雷霆……

[–][BOS ] Paul Pierce pyroaquatics 50 points 16 hours ago

2018 suns

皮尔斯球迷:那2018 年的太阳也算.


[–]Genestah 24 points 19 hours ago *

Really unfortunate for DRose to suffer that injury. He was a legitimate superstar on his 3rd year , before hitting his prime.

If he didn 't get injured , I 'm willing to bet he 's a top 5 player right now.



[–]Kandahar511 154 points 23 hours ago

Dude its crazy how time flies by. Its a shame this guy didn 't live up He was literally at the stardom Curry was in 2011. This guy was special and you had his shoes and loved his style , pretty much brought the Bulls their best years since Jordan. This guy made Adidas more better compared to previous years. I hope he can make an everlasting impact for a couple more years

真是光阴飞逝啊.这哥们没能完全打出来真的太遗憾了.他2011 年在同盟中的地位就比如现在的库里.他太特殊了,大师有他的鞋子,喜好他的气概,他根基算是让公牛到达了在后乔丹时期的壮盛期.他还让阿迪达斯比之前那些年更好了.我但愿他的这类影响力还能再延续几年

[–]Spurs timladen 698 points 23 hours ago

Always gonna be a legend to me. I was about to comment on "prime" D Rose being my basketball idol when I was younger , but he never even got to truly experience his prime. To think what could have been. Rooting for him till he hangs it up

马刺球迷:在我心中,罗斯一向是传奇.换作是之前,我还筹算评论说"巅峰期" 罗斯是我的篮球偶像,可是他真的从未到达巅峰期,究竟他本能……我将撑持他直到退役.

[–]Raptors BoyWhoSoldTheWorld 57 points 18 hours ago

I don 't think the laws of physics were possible for a prime Rose in his late 20s.

The speed at which he could change direction just looked unnatural to the eye. He was another level.

猛龙球迷:我不认为罗斯假如在快30 岁那会儿到达巅峰期的话,他的身体性能还能负荷的了.


[–]Raptors itsasdf 14 points 17 hours ago

It 's kind of sad how people have turned on him over the years. Now he 's just the butt of a joke for most people.

I hate to break out in clich és , but he truly was a unique player to watch during his peak. He was so damn strong and athletic he would just keep coming at you. No matter who challenged him at the rim he would somehow find a way to get a bucket.



[–]AaronBrownell 310 points 19 hours ago

To me your prime is when you are best. Ofc he would 've improved if healthy , but when injuries or laziness don 't allow you to become as good as you could 've been , your prime can be at age 22. I mean look at MCW , his prime was his first NBA game.

在我看来,一个球员的巅峰期就是表示最好的时辰.固然了,假如健康的话,罗斯还能更强,可是假如有伤病或说懈怠让你只能止步在此,那你的巅峰期春秋可能就是22 岁了.看看迈卡威吧,他就是出道即巅峰.

[–]76ers queens_boulevard 173 points 18 hours ago

MCW is still in the league getting paid based on one year , and mostly one game lol

76 人球迷:迈卡威还在同盟打球呢,合同仍是一年一签,年夜大都还只打一场角逐,哈哈哈哈.

[–]AaronBrownell 42 points 17 hours ago

Smart man



[–]Warriors ButObviously 742 points 23 hours ago

I 'm just glad he 's saved his money Definitely not the smartest dude in the league , but hopefully he has good people managing his money.


[–]americansaredumb666 622 points 22 hours ago

Dude has made 美金119 ,258 ,945 in the league plus I assume endorsement money. If he blew all of it and didn 't save some that wld be the most epic failure ever , even worse than Antoine Walker or MC Hammer

这老哥已在同盟赚了1.19 亿美金,并且我感觉还代言费.假如他全都浪费失落了,一分衰败下,那就是史诗级的掉败了,乃至比安东尼-沃克(96 黄金一代成员,2010 年花光了所有的1.1 亿美元后正式公布破产)和MC Hammer (美国RAPTALK 界鼻祖,90 年月早期曾坐拥三千三百万美元资产,由于过度浪费在96 年公布破产)还要糟.

[–]EpicGooner 287 points 22 hours ago

His endorsement contract with Adidas was freaking huge


[–]Warriors ButObviously 85 points 22 hours ago

Well you can just lose a lot of money to unscrupulous financial managers


[–]Pistons PMmeuroneweirdtrick 23 points 22 hours ago

It 's hard to imagine how guys like Walker , Sprewell and AI went bust with all that money.


[–]Lakers TuneHD 12 points 22 hours ago

Bad investments , untrustworthy people , and trying to fund too many lives








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