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亚博:乔丹打脸川普撑持勒布朗| 神不再缄默?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-08 09:59:42


[Bennett ] NEW: Jordan sides with James. NBA legend Michael Jordan tells NBC News through a spokesperson:"I support LJ. He ’s doing an amazing job for his community."

Bennett :迈克尔-乔丹站在了詹姆斯这边,NBA 传奇球星在接管采访时明白暗示:"我撑持詹姆斯,他为社区做出了不成思议的进献."


[–]Knicks Tankswagondoncic2newyork 5357 指標 2 天前

MJ praising Lebron , 2018 getting real wild now

尼克斯球迷:乔丹赞美勒布朗,2018 年看起来要变天了啊.

[–][POR ] Al-Farouq AminuKyleLousy 2249 指標 2 天前

It is really weird how little we get from Jordan when you think about it.


[–]KnicksThePassionOfKristaps 746 指標 2 天前

Probably because he 's an owner now , he talked more about LeBron in his early days


[–][POR ] Al-Farouq AminuKyleLousy 911 指標 2 天前

Yeah but I meant in general. Like the greatest basketball player of all time is alive and an owner in the league and we hear from him like what ? Couple times a year ?


[–][CHI ] Joakim NoahthemiddlestHaHa 781 指標 2 天前

He 's never been super outspoken on anything controversial. He just always focused on his brand and making money.


[–][BOS ] Shaquille O 'NealGO30tv 287 指標 2 天前

He gave his opinion on the Kobe vs LeBron conversation. That ’s about as controversial I ’ve seen him.


[–]Lakerscaerthelstan 319 指標 2 天前

he said something along the lines of "5 >3"

湖人球迷:那时他似乎说了"5 >3" 之类的话.

[–]PhillyDilly23 229 指標 2 天前

So he bolstered his brand to make money you say ?

76 人球迷:所以他说的话不仍是为了挣钱吗?


[–]Warriors BandwagonVega5Star 194 指標 2 天前

Yeah but it 's definitely smart. He acts like a person who knows how lucky he is his playing career ended before the social media age blew up.


[–]Supersonicstrotskyitewrecker 170 指標 2 天前

Lol can you imagine him trying to gamble before playoff games in Atlantic City when Twitter exists


[–]LeJordanBelfort 846 指標 2 天前

He 's so fucking low key. The enigmatic nature makes him more legendary


[–][GSW ] Jordan BellBootStrapWill 605 指標 2 天前

He understands overexposure


[–]IOwnYourData 928 指標 2 天前

He understands exposure leads to crying jordan memes.



[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 623 指標 2 天前*

Jordan is smart enough not to offend either side (gotta sell shoes to people of both parties and lives in SC around the Carolinas ). Comes out in support of LBJ while ignoring (not back lashing out at ) Trump. That 's how Jordan 's always been.

But with that said......


[–]BucksHaHa_Clit_N_Dicks 1360 指標 2 天前

His aim was to divide us , but on this blessed day , LeBron and Jordan fans are united as one


[–]Pistonsfarts_on_boobs 187 指標 2 天前



[–][GSW ] Patrick McCawSavine6 374 指標 2 天前

I went and read the Donald subreddits comments on trumps tweet , and a bunch of them were saying MJ is smart and would never come out in support of lebron , even that he probably secretly likes Trump. Lmao


[–]HawksATLTrill 223 指標 2 天前

They said that about LeBron until he started shitting on Donald



[–][MIA ] Mike Bibbygeneric_person2 111 指標 2 天前

Wow ! The notoriously silent Michael Jordan even has something to say , despite the president saying he likes Mike.


[–]R78692 1469 指標 2 天前

Overheard in the White House bathroom:

"He got me ," Donald said of Michael 's support."That f ***ing Mike boomed me."

Donald added , "He ’s so supportive ," repeating it four times.

Donald then said he wanted to add Mike to the list of players he uninvites to the White House this summer.


"他居然敢弄我!" 川普谈和乔丹的撑持时说,"乔丹去尼玛的给我来了一下."

川普弥补道:"他太撑持勒布朗了!" 而且持续反复了四遍.


[–]Hawksheathbadger 137 指標 2 天前

I don 't get Trump 's endgame here. Lebron is probably the best role model in sports. Just opened a school , raised his family the right way , never any off the court issues. A lot of people in the middle politically like me don 't want to see guys like Lebron belittled.


[–]CelticsMargielaMadman20 463 指標 2 天前

I did not expect MJ to comment on this , especially in open support of LeBron. Good on him.


[–]Lakerslakerswiz 218 指標 2 天前

why not ? he already commented on the warriors and whitehouse situation and supported the warriors. it was obvious that trump doubly fucked up because it opened up MJ to responding like this.


[–]Mavericks TankwagonTrigliceratops 316 指標 2 天前*

Its so obvious he included the "I like Mike" part just so when people inevitably called out the racism in his statement the deplorable basket defense force could whip out the "How can he be racist he mentioned a black player he likes ? It seems like YOU are the real racist for thinking this might be racist".

独行侠球迷:很较着,他在结尾加上"我喜好乔丹" 首要是为了解脱不成避免的种族轻视的指控,如许一来,假如有人由于种族轻视而控告他的时辰,那些保护川普的人便可以跳出来讲:"假如他是种族轻视者,他怎样可能会提到本身喜好的球员呢,这都能想到种族轻视,我看你才是真实的种族轻视吧!"







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