Aidsfart (阿森纳球迷): 仍是把厄齐尔换下去吧,否则这角逐都快爽成小黄片了…(Needed to get Ozil subbed this game was close to becoming a porn )
dead_siaf (未知主队球迷): 这场角逐阿森纳就已能肯定十月份的最好进球前三名了!(The October top 3 goals of Arsenal at this rate.)
Cerxa (未知主队球迷): 皇马连第一位的进球都肯定了!(Real Madrid has made the top 1.)
Wrongbody (未知主队球迷): 厄齐尔式帽子戏法:进球,助攻,二阶助攻.(the ozil hat-trick: goal , assist , assist to the assist.)
Nick316166 (阿森纳球迷): 厄齐尔的传球,的确都能把原子给切割开!(Ozil could split an atom with a pass. Great.)
DidYouSayK (未知主队球迷): 如果让厄齐尔去找昔时的出事马航客机,那说不定就找到了!(Ozil could find the Malaysian flight if he had a try.)
purJackalope117 (热刺球迷): 天呐,本年的前5 名竞争真是太剧烈了,欧冠资历不轻易啊!(Jesus the top 5 are tight this year. It ' ;s gonna be tough getting CL again.)
MartialFC (曼联球迷): 啊?(What ?)
Dark-X (巴萨球迷): 辣鸡已加盟巴萨5 年了,本身也不是塞维利亚青训身世,但此刻面临塞维利亚进球仍然谢绝庆贺,值得尊重!(5 years with us , Ivan still won ' ;t celebrate vs Sevilla. He is not even a youth product of them. Respect.)
fuckthisshit0102 (巴萨球迷): 特尔施特根大要是一个由弹性钢铁细胞构成,并且还具有没有限反映能力的汉子吧!(Ter Stegen is a man made of elastic iron cells and infinite reflexes.)
Kirkrrr (巴萨球迷): 巴萨全场最好:特尔施特根;塞维利亚全场最好:登贝莱!(MOTM for Barca: Ter Stegan. MOTM for Sevilla: Dembele.)
NotAnurag (巴萨球迷): 看到皮克能阐扬好真是长舒一口吻,踢国米我们得需要一个像样的后防地才行…(Low key I ’m happy that pique actually looked good today. We ’ll need a good defense against Inter.)
Panteraepantico (弗拉门戈球迷): 其实我不太相信特尔施特根能防住皮克玩火…(I do not believe MatS can defend agains Pique.)
Culesamericano (巴萨球迷): 能不克不及把我的胳膊拿走,不要让我们的小可爱受伤啊…(Take my arm instead please just don ' ;t let anything happen to our love.)
Currul (未知主队球迷): 直播里的一哥们脱口而出梅西将伤缺20 个月(其实他是想说20 天),那时吓得我都快拉裤子里了…(One dude on the TV just said that Messi could be 20 months out (He meant 20 days ) and I almost gave a shit in my pants.)
omegaxLoL (曼联球迷): 固然只踢了20 分钟,但这仍然是一场梅西主宰了的角逐…(That was honestly looking like a classic Messi dominant performance , instead it ' ;s over in 20 minutes.) ItsJimmyBoy19 (皇马球迷): 不要焦急让梅西这么早复出,究竟没需要上场去踢弱队的…(But don ’t push him to come back. Don ’t want to waste him against a trash team.)
simomii (皇马球迷): 是谁说我们分开C 罗就破不了记载了?(Who said we wouldn ' ;t break records after being free from Ronaldo.)
gintoki-sama (皇马球迷): 分开了C 罗,最少我们输得更像一个整体了!(At least without Ronaldo we ’re losing as a team.)
BOTHROPS-ASPER (未知主队球迷): 洛跪特吉.(Flopetegui.)
DashingPhonyRhodes (AC 米兰球迷): 固然皇马此刻踢成一坨翔,但赛季末还不是在欧冠决赛赢个5-0 !(Madrid looking garbage now , but it means they ’ll probably win the CL 5-0 in the final.)
Tizer_ (切尔西球迷): 看到库尔图瓦在皇马如斯超卓的表示,真是好高兴呢!(Nice to see Courtois having a good time in Madrid :)
GorillAffe (门兴球迷): 每当踢皇马的时辰,对方门将恍如城市巅峰卡西附身一样…(I feel like a lot of goalkeepers turn into prime Casillas when playing against Real lmao )
Jezfps (皇马球迷): 保级年夜战正式打响了!(Relegation battle begin.)
Matg09 (巴萨球迷): 还能再加小我么…(Room for one more ?)
Matg09 (巴萨球迷): 天呐,看来国度德比将是保级路上最要害的6 分之战啊!(Jesus at this rate El clasico Will be A relegation 6 pointer.)
RuralHuman (西班牙球迷): 都赖老佛爷,卖了C 罗也不买人,你不买顶级先锋也就算了,最少得买个能射的先锋吧…(This is all on Perez for selling Ronaldo and not getting a striker. Not a world class one , but at least someone who can shoot the ball.)
Zimbelboi (皇马球迷): 我已决议明天就去看皇马的篮球赛了!(Looking forward to our basketball team tomorrow.)
Sureshot006 (莱比锡球迷): 帮伴侣问的,为啥有小我能在5 个月内接连在国度队和俱乐手下课啊!(Lmao how does one get fired from both the national team and club in 5 months asking for a friend.)
GOR098 (未知主队球迷): 为了改变西甲二人转的场合排场,皇马巴萨可谓专心良苦啊!(Seems like Real & ; Barca are working very hard to change that 2 horse race thing.) NationalAnswer (皇马球迷): 好啦,但愿齐祖已过了个兴奋的假期,此刻能从头回来工作了么…(Alright I hope Zidane ' ;s enjoyed his break and is ready to come back.)
dandylionsg7 (皇马球迷): 我TM 真不知道这都踢得甚么玩意,估量洛佩特吉也啥都不知道吧!(I have no idea wtf is happening and I ' ;m sure Lopetegui feels the same.)
Dispelthemyth (英格兰球迷): 大师都慌了…快藏好你们的内马尔、阿扎尔和萨拉赫们,皇马就要来了!(Everyone be afraid , protect you Neymars , Hazards and Salas because Madrid are coming.)
FifaDK (曼联球迷): 泥煤的,当看见有6 分钟补时的时辰,我就知道会呈现这成果…(Knew this would happen when we got 6 mins added time. Fucks sake.)
RoflJoe (曼联球迷): 我代表德赫亚坐在这里生气!(I ' ;m sitting here getting angry on behalf of de Gea.)
FamousCurrency (未知主队球迷): 看着萨里嚼烟,我都感觉本身要得癌症了…(Watching sarri chew all those cigarettes is giving me cancer.)
holla15 (未知主队球迷): 萨里必然烦透了,角逐踢的时候越长,不就越晚才能去抽烟么?(Sarri is getting pissed , the longer this game takes the longer it ' ;ll be before he can get a smoke.)
Theenigmacode (利物浦球迷): 我真想让博格巴脱失落上衣,然后也露出"怎样总是我" 的口号...(I fully expect Pogba to take off his shirt and say why always me.)
You_aint_gotta_lie (切尔西球迷): 博格巴的表示仍是不错的,只要他不去戍守就行…(Pogba is so damn good when he doesn ' ;t have to do any defending.)
Thefacelessvoice (曼联球迷): 突然发现费莱尼似乎不在替补席上,那此刻穆帅筹算怎样办啊?(Just noticed Fellani isnt on the bench. What is Mou gonna do now ??)
UmpireAJS (阿森纳球迷): 我看见切尔西的角逐打算了,就是在最后关头再进球,如许曼联就没时候去还击了!(I see Chelsea ' ;s plan. Score the second goal late enough so United can ' ;t mount a comeback.)
JohnSmackSmack (沃特福德球迷): 这剧情怎样感受都看过100 遍了…(Feel like I ’ve seen this game 100 times.)
Tsubasa_sama (利物浦球迷): 好吧,咱只需要赢个12-0 就可以登榜首了!(Its okay lads a 12-0 win will see us top the table.)
Serpentman (伯恩利球迷): 每周都抚慰本身还下周…(There ' ;s always next week...)
Aquadamn (葡萄牙球迷): 好但愿看曼城去踢巴萨或尤文啊!(I want to see City v Barcelona and/or Juventus.)
Idkfunnyusername (巴萨球迷): 我仍是想看他们去踢皇马…(I wanna see them against Madrid.)
dump_user5000 (利物浦球迷): 到了1 月份,联赛归属就要见分晓了!(the league wil be decided in January. isn ' ;t it ?)
Recreant57 (热刺球迷): 上个1 月不就已见分晓了吗?(not last January ?)
Damrider (未知主队球迷): 马赫雷斯看起来就像是梳了个他妈妈感觉帅的发型…(mahrez looks like his mom has been brushing his hair telling him what a handsome boy he is.)
ottawaZed (未知主队球迷): 我不需要靠吸年夜麻才能嗨,看曼城的角逐就已有不异的结果了!(I don ' ;t have to smoke legal weed to get high , this goal is good enough to get me the same effects.)
Chromate_Magnum (伯恩利球迷): 想象一下你的球队0-3 掉队,而对方却要把丁丁换上场,还比这更糟的工作么…(Imagine being 0-3 down , and seeing KDB come on. Nothing can be worse )
Aiaraya (皇马球迷): 好比换上的是梅西?(How about seeing Messi come on ?)
Archieves12 (利物浦球迷): 这场球独一的亮点就是最后竟还赢了...(The only surprise in this game is a won.)
MichuAtDeGeaBa (蒙古球迷): 这角逐绝对是第二天我就一点也想不起来产生了甚么的那种类型…(Gonna be one of those games that I completely forget about by the next day.)
好了,亲爱的小火伴们,本期的"国外也有段子手" 就为大师播报到这了,让我们下期不见不散!
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- [西甲]亚博: 10月 15日- 21日赛事收视陈述: 女排世锦赛最高收视超 20% , CBA开幕战
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