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亚博:浓眉暗示本身攻防万能| 战绩拖累 MVP之路?

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-10-14 13:19:39

浓眉表示自己攻防全能|战绩拖累MVP 之路?

[Anthony Davis ] On LeBron/KD: Those two are great players , I bring something unique to the table. My game is different from both of those guys , both ends of the floor. MVP and DPOTY candidate so that 's why I feel like my name should be at the top of the list.

安东尼-戴维斯谈詹姆斯和杜兰特:"他们两个都是伟年夜的球员,可是相较在他们我更加非凡,我的打球体例和他们这些家伙都纷歧样,攻防两头都是如斯.我同时成了MVP 和DPOY 的候选人,这就是为何我感觉本身的名字应当位列同盟榜首的缘由."


[–]PelicansDowntownDeaux 814 points 1 day ago

This is why AD got a new agent

鹈鹕球迷:这就是为何AD 会换一个掮客人的缘由吧.

[–]thekapadia417 140 points 1 day ago

Ad come to Charlotte

AD 来夏洛特黄蜂吧!

[–][CHA ] Malik MonkCLTwolf 61 points 1 day ago

He should have been here from the beginning. 2012 draft lottery was rigged people , never forget that

黄蜂球迷:AD 原本一最先就是黄蜂的,2012 年的选秀抽签大要率是内幕,我永久忘不了那一幕.

注:2012 年打出同盟最差战绩的夏洛特山猫没能获得状元签,可是同盟倒数第四被同盟脱管的新奥尔良黄蜂却获得了状元签,良多人认为这是诡计.


[–]whoisnumber9 1982 points 1 day ago

Love AD ’s two-way game and I feel like there ’s only one player he can look up to.

我很爱AD 攻防两头周全的表示,我感受全同盟只有一个汉子可以或许让他仰视.

[–]Trail BlazersVan_Helwig 782 points 1 day ago

Thought it was going to be Hakeem or Duncan or something. I should have expected this.


[–]SleepySuccR 374 points 1 day ago

I was expecting a dose of Ingles



[–]RaptorsRockinghamRaptor 2486 points 1 day ago

Fair or not , its hard to get to the top of the list when you don 't have a fucking squad.


[–]76erslosergaijin 794 points 1 day ago

[expletive ] squad

76 人球迷:哇哦!不得了的球队.


[–]CelticsSandovals_Belt 332 points 1 day ago

They 're so bad (x4 )

凯尔特人球迷:他们真的太烂了(×4 )



[–]noj23815 321 points 1 day ago

AD will be MVP if he played with wolves 3rd string instead of his current supporting cast

假如安东尼戴维斯和丛林狼的第三声势并肩作战,而不是他此刻的队友的话,他早就拿MVP 了.


[–]LakersJul3X 115 points 1 day ago

You laugh but Luol Deng has had like two years of quality rest. He 's so ***** for this shit.



[–]Billybobjoethorton 116 points 1 day ago

but lebron brought a bunch of bench players to the finalzzzzz.


[–]NBAYourMajesty90 199 points 1 day ago

As highly as AD thinks of himself , he ain 't no LeBron.

AD 把本身看得再高,他也不是詹姆斯啊.

[–]NBASKHRAEURPL 108 points 1 day ago

He ’s also not in the east


[–]LakersLightning14 75 points 1 day ago

We 'll learn a lot about LeBron 's capacity to improve a team and compete in the West this year.


[–]Philandrrr 94 points 1 day ago

I still want him to play one season on a series of 10 day contracts , traveling the league. I bet you he gets 55 wins.

我此刻特殊想让詹姆斯一个赛季给每一个球队都签一份十天的短合同,然后漫游各个球队,我赌博他能赢55 场角逐.


[–]KnicksMyLadySansa 726 points 1 day ago

ESPN REPORT: AD thinks Bron KD don ’t play defense

尼克斯球迷:AD 认为詹姆斯和杜兰特从不戍守.

[–][MIA ] Dion Waitersjbenson255 358 points 1 day ago *

I mean from this quote that ’s exactly what i got


[–]NetsSelfDeprecating 442 points 1 day ago

He 's saying they don 't play DPoY-level defense throughout the course of a season , which is true.

篮网球迷:AD 的意思是詹姆斯和杜兰特不克不及一全部赛季保持DPOY 级此外戍守,这才是对的语气吧.

[–]Supersonicslady-grinning-soul 125 points 1 day ago

Not according to KD

超音速球迷:KD 不这么认为.

[–][TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin 238 points 1 day ago

KD on AD: That boy doesn 't want me to win due to pure hate

猛龙球迷:KD 谈AD :这孩子不想让我博得DPOY 纯洁是由于"纯洁的仇恨."

[–]acosmichippo 45 points 1 day ago

no , he just says he ’s a DPOY candidate and implies that they are not. That ’s not too controversial.

额,他就是说他是DPOY 的竞争者,而且暗示KD 和詹姆斯不是,这也没啥进犯性吧.


lszachwilson23 159 points 1 day ago

If the Pelicans can play half decent ball and he keeps saying shit like this , he could work the narrative in his favor and win the MVP. But with his team playing in the West , I just don 't see it happening. At least not this year

公牛球迷:假如鹈鹕的战绩很棒,然后他也一向为本身说这些话,也许他能操纵舆论造势为他博得一个MVP ,可是他的球队在西部,我其实不能看到这件工作产生,最少这个赛季MVP 是不成能的.

[–]CelticsGulfAg 114 points 1 day ago

We ’ll see... I think the loss of Rondo is being massively underrated. As a Pels season ticket holder , I ’ll be happy to be proved wrong though.


[–]Pelicanszacree 65 points 1 day ago

Athletically possibly but I watched every playoff game we had and Rondo 's IQ and court presence can 't be understated. The whole team looked sharper when he was calling plays. I think we 're top 6 in the west but losing Rondo was huge. I just thing Randle is underrated , especially on a squad this fast.

鹈鹕球迷:活动能力被低估了,可是我看了每场鹈鹕的季后赛,隆多的IQ 和球商怎样吹都不外分,当他叫战术的时辰整支球队都变得加倍锋利起来,我感觉我们依然是西部前六的步队,可是掉去隆多对我们影响庞大,我感觉兰德尔一样被低估了,特别是在现在的快速小个声势当中.


[–]Pelicansrubicon99 105 points 1 day ago

According to Bill Simmons , Lebron can only win about 45-48 games to win the MVP , but AD needs to win 82 games or get traded to win the MVP.

鹈鹕球迷:按照比尔-西蒙斯的不雅点,詹姆斯只要赢45-48 场角逐就可以取得MVP ,可是AD 需要博得82 场角逐或被买卖才能博得MVP 咯.

[–]Ideal_Diagnosis 101 points 1 day ago

Dont forget kawhi my guy


[–]WarriorsJamJ33 172 points 1 day ago

What about Kawhi ? He has TWO Dpoy and a FMVP. AD needs to stop talking and actually win something to show for himself. You can 't talk your way into this discussion , go win something. Last year sweeping Portland was a great start and shows he can lead but he isn 't at the top of the top yet. Not when there are multiple players who do have DPOY and MVPs and FMVPs.

勇士球迷:戴维斯说这句话的时辰把卡哇伊放在何处了?他有两个DPOY 和一个FMVP ,安东尼-戴维斯应当学会闭嘴而且最先真正去赢球然后展现本身,你不成能把本身说进同盟第一人的行列中,赢球才行.客岁横扫开辟者已是一个不错的最先了,这已展现了他能带领球队可是他仍然不再顶尖行列当中,此刻可是有很多球员同时具有DPOY 、MVP 和FMVP 了.






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