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亚博:纳什坦言本身该多投| 忘我后卫无成果?

来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-09-06 16:50:53


[MacMahon ] Nash:"I never took it to the heights that the numbers validate in today 's day and age , where I probably should have shot the ball 20 times a game. It probably would have made a lot more sense."

纳什:我历来没能到达过现代篮球的中的那种高度,也没有拿到过惊世骇俗的数据,可能我每场角逐应当投篮投个20 次摆布,这可能对球队会更成心义一些.


[–][WAS ] John Wallzeek215 226 指標 10 小時前

Nash was too selfless as a player. He loved setting up his teammates so much but his shot was always amazing. If he had a bit more selfishness in him he definitely would have taken more shots I think , but every player has their unique personality.


[–]Bullswylin247 64 指標 9 小時前

Same thing as cp3 imo.


[–][NBA ] Kobe BryantJMEEKER86 189 指標 7 小時前

To an extant , but CP3 also has that "fuck , my teammates are being extra stupid tonight , I 'm going to have to try to take over this game" mode that he goes in sometimes.

确切如斯,可是保罗也一样会有"妈的,我的队友今晚太犯蠢了,我不能不站出来接收角逐" 的模式,所以他有的时辰仍是会有杀神独狼模式的.

[–][MIA ] Joe JohnsonGot_Too_Much_Dayum 49 指標 7 小時前

Prime Example: Game 5 against the Jazz


[–]DingusMcCringus 2 指標 41 分鐘前

that game was nutty. couldnt miss in the last 5 minutes


[–]Bullswylin247 42 指標 7 小時前

He doesn 't do that often though , that 's the problem. Even when he was with the Clippers , he should have been the number 1 option in the 4th quarters and shoot most of the shots cause he is money from mid range but clips always tried making Griffin the number 1 option.



[–]Lakersalex94xela 49 指標 7 小時前

Thats why this Harden Cp3 thing is going so well i think.


[–]Bullswylin247 39 指標 7 小時前

Harden is a legit first option though , cp3 should have been the number 1 guy on the Clippers.


[–]Lakersboisic 2 指標 1 小時前

CP3 Harden works so well because they 're both elite on ball (playmaking , ISO ) and off ball (shooting ). It 's an insane combination. They can pretty much take turns being no 1 option in this system



[–]Michonne844 12 指標 7 小時前

Nash took over a lot too. Especially in the playoffs. Phoenix just did better when he would score like 20 and have around 15 assists. That was usually a guaranteed victory for them.

现实上纳什接收过很多角逐,特别是在季后赛里,当纳什获得20 分摆布并且有15 个助攻的时辰太阳现实上打得更好,这对他们来讲就像成功保障一样.

[–]Miceland 10 指標 3 小時前

This is true , but there 's a lot of self selection to these stats

Nash 's preference was to get 15 assists , so if he did that , that means the gameplan was working. I 'm sure Nash 's team 's have a somewhat disappointing record when he goes for 30 , but that 's because he only goes for 30 when no one else can make a shot

it 's like russ 's triple double stat. Of course OKC has a good record when Russ gets a triple double--hes out there hunting triple doubles. If he doesnt get a triple double , that means something has already gone wrong


假如纳什能拿到15 次以上的助攻,这就意味着太阳的角逐打算正常运转了,我很肯定当纳什获得30 分以上的时辰他的球队必然会有良多使人懊丧的角逐成果,可是这是由于其他人不克不及缔造投篮机遇,所以他才有机遇拿到30 分以上的.


[–]Cavaliersitssensei 12 指標 6 小時前

No offense but that just sounds like you didn ’t watch Nash play enough. He took over games from time to time with his scoring. He would score enough to regain momentum for the team and start passing again.

He would break up double teams , switch the big man on himself and slash in , shoot that random pull up 3 while licking his finger.



[–][NBA ] Kobe BryantJMEEKER86 8 指標 6 小時前

That 's not really what I 'm talking about. When Nash would do it it was the methodical style within the system that made you look at the box score afterwards and say "whoa , when did he end up with 40 points" instead of the hero ball "fuck the system because it 's not working , I 'm doing it myself" style , so it was still a selfless team first approach while CP3 is the passive aggressive "can 't win with these cats" approach.

这现实上其实不是我们会商的工具,当纳什接收角逐的时辰你仍然会感觉很是有秩序与层次,这会让你在角逐以后看数据统计不经感慨"哇哦,纳什居然最后得了四十分" 而不是老是看到那种英雄球"活该的系统其实不见效,我仍是本身来" 的感受,所以他仍然是忘我的团队气概.

而保罗碰到这类环境时则会布满着消极的侵犯性,会给你一种"我和这群阿猫阿狗打球可赢不了" 的感受.


[–]shanmustafa 84 指標 10 小時前

one of the most efficient players ever and it ended up being to a fault

I 've always had the same problem with him and CP

If they had shot 2-40% less FG , but were taking more shots I wouldn 't have had any problems with it

The time nash was actually more aggressive he was insane , 24/5/11 for the 04-05 playoffs , him being more aggressive looking for his shot actually opened up a lot more for him because the defense had to account for him even more , and because he ’s a natural passer he was still able to get his assists


对他和CP3 ,我老是抱有不异的疑问.


那时的纳什假如开启侵犯模式就是无敌的,在04-05 赛季的季后赛里场均24 +5 +11 ,他的侵犯性让他的投篮看起来每个都是空位由于戍守者不能不防备他的传球,可是由于他是一个自然的传球手,他总能找到机遇传出助攻.

[–]SupersonicsScizzurp 39 指標 10 小時前

Nash and CP3 especially CP3 played it too much on the safe side. CP3 is a more natural scorer and he had handles to break down the defense and could get to more spots on the floor and often times CP3 would let a bum like Crawford take shots , he should be taking.

超音速球迷:纳什和保罗,特别是保罗打得太谨严了,CP3 现实上是一个自然的得分手,他可以运球冲破敌手戍守,可以在球场上获得更多空位投篮机遇,有的时辰CP3 现实上已耍花活像克劳福德一样了,他也能够像克劳福德拔起来跳投的,他也应当投这些球的.

[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 29 指標 10 小時前

CP3 also had much more quickness/explosiveness in his younger years.


[–][LAL ] Brandon IngramStarved-Nutritionist 6 指標 4 小時前

It 's still debatable if CP3 was the real MVP in 2008 over Kobe. CP3 was putting up insane numbers at the age of 22 for a pass-first PG. 21.1 ppg and 11.6 apg with 2.1 spg on .4880% FG/.3690% 3pt/.8510% FT.

Dude even had three 40 + pt games , and the New Orleans Hornets won all 3 of those games. He had two 20 + assist games , too , which the Hornets also won.

I can 't help but wonder if he could 've averaged 25 ppg if he hadn 't been so selfless. If he had been focused on averaging as many points per game as possible , CP3 would 've been that guy with multiple 30 + pt/15 + assist games in his younger days.

Anyway , I 'm obviously not discounting Kobe in 2008. I just think the winner of the 2008 MVP title is definitely more debatable than most of us Lakers fans would like to admit , especially when you consider the Hornets won 56 games in 2007-08 after an abysmal 39 win season in 2006-07.

湖人球迷:在2008 年的MVP 评选上现实上一向存在争议:那就是保罗和科比事实谁更强.保罗昔时在以传球第一的环境下仍然拿到了不成思议的数据,昔时他不外22 岁,场均21.1 分、11.6 次助攻而且有2.1 次抢断,投篮射中率为48.80%,三分球射中率为36.90%,罚球射中率高达85.10%.

这家伙阿谁赛季拿过三次40 分以上,新奥尔良黄蜂拿下了此中的3 场,他还两场20 次以上助攻的角逐,黄蜂也都赢了.

我一向会不由自主地想假如他不那末自私的话,他是否是场均能拿25 分,假如他专注在场均得分的话,他可能在年青的时辰能屡次拿到30 分以上且15 +助攻的数据.

不管怎样说,我其实不是质疑2008 年科比MVP 的含金量,可是我只是感觉2008 年的MVP 要比良多湖人粉丝想象的要有争议很多,特别是黄蜂2007-08 赛季赢了56 场角逐,而上一个赛季他们不外39 胜.


[–]Rocketsplaytio 170 指標 11 小時前

I know there have been many fantastic PGs but he 's my favorite by a long shot. I wouldn 't change the way he played.


[–]kilmerindigo 155 指標 10 小時前

Back then if a player took a 3 and missed , the commentators would say ‘oh they ’ve got to find a better shot than that ’. Then your uncle would hear that shit , so he ’s saying it every damn time someone bricks a 3. Then you start thinking it when you watch games and some idiot shoots a 3 instead of feeding it into the post. Then 15 years later some asshole starts draining 30 footers at a high clip and you ’ve got to change your entire goddam mentality.

曩昔那些优异的后卫投了三分又投丢了,那些攻讦家们会一向说"他们需要找一个比这个更好的出手体例." 然后你的锻练甚么的会听到这些动静,然后每次投打铁三分的时辰他就会喋大言不惭,然后你就最先想投这些三分是否是过在笨拙,与其打铁不如老诚恳实把球喂给禁区.然后十五年曩昔了,投超远三分又最先风行起来,成果你告知我我又要最先改变本身全部的设法.

[–][SAS ] Derrick WhitePartickNotPatrick 119 指標 9 小時前

flashbacks to NBA Live 08 and Steve Kerr endlessly criticizing my transition pull-up 3s

马刺球迷:回到NBA Live 08 里面,我每次在转换进攻后仰三分的时辰史蒂夫-科尔城市不断地攻讦我.

[–]76ersone_throwaway_a_day 82 指標 9 小時前

Well well well... How the turntables

76 人球迷:好吧好吧……掉误数据栏上又添一笔.


[–][DAL ] DeShawn Stevensonjonnyjonessunkenship 52 指標 10 小時前

Suns could have reached their higher limits if it wasn ’t for a hip check and tim Donaghy


[–]killbill469 28 指標 11 小時前*

Mike D 'antoni & Nellie (two of the greatest and innovative offensive minds in basketball history , who also coached Nash ):"He could have been a 25 + ppg scorer if he put his mind to it "

r/nba:"No man , scoring that many points is just too hard for a skinny nonathletic kid like Nash"

迈克-德安东尼和Nellie (NBA 汗青上具有最好且最强进攻意识的两人之一,他也是纳什的锻练):"纳什假如愿意将精神放在得分上,他可以成为一个场均25 分以上的得分手."

[–]LeBrontosaurusRex 40 指標 11 小時前

He already is one of the GOATs , especially at his position.


[–]Clippersflushyriver 2 指標 3 小時前

Fun fact , when Nash was 29 after 9 seasons he had 4 ,180 assists and 767 3s in 625 games. Curry after 9 seasons , at the age of 29 has 4 ,227 career assists and 2 ,129 3s in 625 games. That 's almost 500 more 3s than Nash had his whole career.

Yet if Curry plays 9 more seasons for some reason , he would need to average about 700 assists a season (approximately 8.5 apg ) to catch Nash before he retires. Really speaks to the longevity of Nash 's career.

快船球迷:有一个有趣的小事实,当纳什满29 岁的时辰,他有4180 个助攻,而且在625 场角逐中射中了767 个三分球,库里在九个赛季今后也是29 岁,他职业生活生计已有了4227 个助攻而且在625 场角逐中射中率2129 个三分,这已比纳什全部职业生活生计的三分球射中数还要多500 个了.

但是假如库里在多打九个赛季,他需要单赛季拿下年夜约700 个助攻(年夜约是场均8.5 次助攻)才能追上纳什退役前的总助攻数,不能不说纳什的职业生活生计也是很长啊.






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