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亚博体育:科比谈论击败勇士之道| 火勇打法近似?

来源:usportnews 编辑:U体育 时间:2018-08-26 07:06:20


Kobe Bryant: 'You Can ’t Beat Golden State By Playing Golden State-Style '



[–]Raptorschicogarciamarquez 484 指標 17 小時前

the only other way is to clone Larbon Jams



[–]Lakersbengalisocks 179 指標 17 小時前

It depends on what you mean by their style , but unless you have a generational big man , a switch heavy system seems the best way to beat the team. HOU laid out a blue print , and while I don 't think you need to be as reliant on the three as HOU , I still think you need to follow modern principles of stretching the floor and switching.


[–]Rocketsbauboish 205 指標 13 小時前

Honestly I 've never felt that Houston had the same style as the Warriors.

Warriors move the ball a lot. Houston almost never passes.

Warriors run up and down. Houston slows the game to a crawl.

Warriors play egalitarian everyone touches the ball Rockets play Harden/CP3 gets the ball everyone else space out and stand there.

Warriors have half a roster of centers. The Rockets focused roster building on guards and wings.

I think a lot of times people just misunderstand philosophy with talent. The reason people can 't beat the Warriors because they have a lot more talent than you.




勇士遵守"每一个人都要触球" 的原则,火箭则是"哈登/保罗持球,其他人站在那拉开空间就好."



[–][GSW ] Draymond Greenjthc 79 指標 13 小時前

Defensively we 're similar , but offensively we 're on different planets. It does go to show that there are many ways to run an effective offense.


[–]LakersBCboneless 9 指標 10 小時前

The Thunder laid out the blue print in 2016. Switch everything , with athletic wings who can harass the shooters and an athletic big man to control the paint.

湖人球迷:雷霆在2016 年就已描画了击败勇士的具体蓝图,无穷换防+活动能力极强且能投射的锋线+一个可以或许统治禁区的年夜个子.

[–][LAL ] Brandon Ingramfriskydongo 113 指標 17 小時前

You can 't beat them with any style as of now.


[–]SpursDuque_Plata 149 指標 17 小時前

The Rockets almost did and likely would have if CP3 was healthy or if they didn 't have that historic missed shot streak

Everybody here loves to prop the Warriors up as invincible (probably to make Lebron getting whooped look better ), but we almost saw it happen at the hands of two stars and a short lineup which is a very attainable lineup.

马刺球迷:现实上火箭几近已击败了勇士,假如CP3 连结健康,或是他们在最后一场角逐中没有三分投射持续全掉,他们早就赢了.


[–][NYK ] Carmelo AnthonyAdzBoogie 125 指標 16 小時前

If Iguodala was playing , it would 've been over in 5



[–]Cavaliersbenelchuncho 74 指標 15 小時前

Luc was very important for Houston and he didn ’t play either


[–]WarriorsMadMax1996 31 指標 14 小時前

Igoudala vs. Luc in terms of value to team is not close. Luc lacks Andres vision and decision making on offense , on defense Igoudala is a generational defensive player (yes he is old ) with some of the best hands in the business.

Edit: man people here have no idea how important Iggy is to the dubs.



[–]LakersCheppyWire 76 指標 13 小時前

It 's just wild to me that a team 's fanbase can say that their team with four all stars , the greatest shooter of all time , one of the greatest scorers of all time , can crumble if their 34 year old backup small forward is out and that justifies the losses.

湖人球迷:对我而言,最令我惊异的是某球队球迷告知我他的主队在具有四个全明星,一个汗青上最伟年夜的弓手,一个汗青上最伟年夜的得分手的环境下居然要依托他们34 岁的替补小先锋来决议他们的系列赛的胜败.


[–]Supersonicsquite_certain 58 指標 13 小時前

It 's also wild how much you guys underrate Houston 's 17-18 season. Only 19 teams in the history of the NBA have won 65 or more games. Last year 's Rockets became #19. The majority of these teams go on to win the championship. They went 4-1 and 4-1 before the WCF. And regardless of how stacked their opponent was in WCF , they were one quarter away from winning it all.

超音速球迷:有一点一样很希奇,那就是人们都很低估火箭的17-18 赛季,NBA 汗青上只有19 支球队单赛季赢下过六十五场以上的角逐,上赛季火箭就是那第十九支球队,这些球队中的绝年夜部门都博得了总冠军,在打西部决赛之前他们持续以4-1 击败本身的两个敌手.所以不管他们西部决赛的敌手若何吓人,他们也只差一节角逐就可以赢下全数.

[–]ThunderjoegrizzyV 103 指標 17 小時前

OKC laid the blueprint for how to beat them. But then uh....well...they stole our best player so....








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