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来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:亚博体育 时间:2019-02-23 17:40:22


Scott Foster vs Rockets (2017-19)


Everyone is claiming that the Rockets are 0-13 in their last 13 games vs Scott Foster. Thus, after reading too many binomial probability dissertations, I decided to look up this "fact". At the crack of nephew hour, I realized I had been hoodwinked by the internet. Scott Foster is ambivalent towards the Rockets.


The Rockets are 9-9 in their last 18 games with Scott as a referee. The Rockets were 3-3 in 16/17, 5-5 in 17/18, and are 1-1 in 18/19. The Rockets have a 9-3 record in the regular season, while they're 0-6 during the playoffs. Out of these playoff losses, none appear to be the result of blatant unfair officiating against the Rockets



[–]Raptorscowhill 3884 points 14 hours ago

Thanks for reminding me not to trust people on the internet, even for something so provably false as the 0-13 claim. Nice work.


[–]Bucks--II 795 points 12 hours ago

I'd love to know where this 0-13 stat originated from anyway.

Did they say it on the broadcast, is it from twitter? How did someone come up with something so provably wrong?



[–]Knicksjohnhenryirons 66 points 11 hours ago

People in the post game thread on r/nba were complaining about the Rockets being 0-13 against Foster in their last 13 games.


[–]MavericksMysteriagant 148 points 12 hours ago

Wait, people can go on the internet and lie? That doesn't even make sense. The internet police will arrest you



[–]Warriorsmdk_93 1499 points 13 hours ago

I'd read that they were 0-13 with him so many times now that I didn't even consider it couldn't be true. That's crazy.


[–][LAL] Kareem Abdul-Jabbarfuckitiroastedyou 428 points 13 hours ago

Kinda scary how nobody checked that until now...


[–]Lakersgyxorz 252 points 13 hours ago

For all the whining I do on r/nba, sometimes I'm still surprised how easily convinced I get by certain stats/facts without the slightest consideration that it could be false.


[–]BucksHentai__Lord 619 points 13 hours ago

salty fucking rockets fans spreading bullshit. thats actually pathetic


[–][MIA] Anfernee HardawayChaseH9499 293 points 12 hours ago

They got fooled too, it’s not entirely their fault. Somebody called Ben DuBose on Twitter (verified account) posted this, and they understandably took it and ran with it

热火球迷:他们一样也上当了,这不满是他们的错误,在Twitter上有一个叫Ben DuBose的认证账号发布的动静,他们就天经地义的接管了然后最先传布。

[–][PHI] Robert Covingtonsjekky 172 points 12 hours ago

Jesus, that guys twitter feed is horrific just now

He tweeted that D'Antoni is coach of the year and I can't tell if he's not being serious




[–][DET] Joe DumarsHonk4Tits 643 points 14 hours ago

This is why it's important to do your own research.


[–]EmanuelAlexandr 447 points 13 hours ago

Or wait for a bit, because someone is gonna do the research and post it here


[–]secretsodapop 126 points 13 hours ago

The actual issue is people upvoting factual claims without sources. On top of that, people on reddit generally even downvote people who are asking for sources.


[–]LakersDirtySmiter 193 points 10 hours ago

The schadenfreude I'm feeling towards rockets fans complaining about refs just peaked with this post. Spectacular research my man.



[–]NBAspiattalo 866 points 14 hours ago

You should post this on the Rockets sub. And get popcorn.


[–]RocketsDaroo425 246 points 12 hours ago

This just goes to show how much parroting is done around this forum and life as a whole. Don't trust anything without looking it up yourself. Especially with all the nephews around this sub.


[–]Rocketsswaggy_p 151 points 12 hours ago

TFW when redditor does more research than ESPN.



[–]Warriorsmatsy_k 257 points 13 hours ago

0-13 now as infamous as 0-27


[–]buyaofangqi 320 points 13 hours ago

Except 0-27 is actually real


[–]Bullsshaqfearsyao 425 points 13 hours ago

The absence of Rockets flair in this thread is hilarious lol







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