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来源:yabo2018 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:亚博体育 时间:2019-02-19 05:01:08


Lebron: "They be telling you guys to.. just shutup & be doctor, or just shutup & be laywer, or just shutup & be a teacher, or just shutup & do whatever your occupation is, & I just think that's unfair to all of us, because we are so much more than what our occupations say or what our name tag says."

一年前的今天,福克斯电视台的新闻主播Laura Ingraham在节目中求全谴责了詹姆斯和杜兰特,称其应当好好打球别谈政治。本日詹姆斯在接管采访时再次回应此事:“他们会告知你们说,大夫好好当大夫,律师就做好律师,教员就当好教员,归正不管你干啥,闭嘴就行。我就感觉这对我们所有人来讲是不公允的,由于我们的身份可远不止我们的职业或说是姓名所能诠释的。”


[–]Supersonics Roger--Smith 7430 points 15 hours ago

Ya I’m more than a Reddit shit poster.


[–][GSW] Stephen Curry Nyhrox 2516 points 15 hours ago*

Shutup & shit post


[–]Supersonics Roger--Smith 957 points 15 hours ago

StEpHeN cUrRy Is So oVeRaTeD nOt EvEn ToP 100 pLaYeR yAlL sHoUlD cUt HiM.


[–]Bucks lincoln1222 112 points 14 hours ago

Steph is just a less efficient JR Smith


[–]King BubzVI 27 points 14 hours ago

This one hurts


[–]Warriors bronet 26 points 11 hours ago

I mean, lets be real. JR closed out a finals game all by himself last season. That's some real legend stuff


[–]Cavaliers tykulton 37 points 13 hours ago

He lost to Joe Harris in the 3 point shootout. I've never lost to Joe Harris in the 3 point shootout and I'm not even in the NBA. How is he not a fucking scrub? /S


[–]lewisherber 40 points 13 hours ago

Next time someone says, “you’re just a loser drug dealer,” I’m gonna whip out this LeBron meme. That’ll shut ‘em up.


[–]KangoBulls 9 points 13 hours ago

Remember when Kevin Durant told the fan to shut the fuck up and watch the game?


PS:客岁11月,杜兰特在对战独行侠的角逐中,对着一名场边不竭挑事的球迷说了句:"闭嘴吧,好都雅球"(“Watch the f**king game and shut the f**k up”)

[–][BOS] Kyrie Irving tinglebrid 10 points 13 hours ago

Players literally always say "you dont play basketball so you dont know" and then screech when told the same thing from a different view point


[–]moonlightelite 3992 points 14 hours ago

Ball: Sir it's time for-

Lebron: Shut up, trade asset #3



[–]Lakers LakerBlue 35 points 13 hours ago

Put some respect on his name, Ball is trade asset #1 /s


[–]Warriors lastinglovehandles 535 points 13 hours ago

They be telling me shut up be a GM.


[–]Nets Quamol 109 points 13 hours ago

Shut up and be a shadow agent


[–]Lakers KubeBrickEan 60 points 12 hours ago

Shut up and just be NBA Thanos.


[–][NYK] Kristaps Porzingis jawadhaque089 2773 points 16 hours ago

They told LeBron to shut up and play basketball so he decided to be LeGM.


[–][LAL] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar NotYourAverageWaffle 891 points 15 hours ago

And when he levels up, he’ll evolve into LeOwner


[–]Lakers Weakly_Daze 31 points 14 hours ago

Rules say that you can't be coach-player, no rules against owning the league and playing in it too.


[–]Chawclitt 20 points 14 hours ago

If you own the league you can change whatever rules you want lol


[–][GSW] Marreese Speights JapaneseWarCrimes 619 points 15 hours ago

My body is ready for LeComissioner


[–]Warriors Tragedy_Boner 456 points 14 hours ago

Could you imagine LePresident


[–]Celtics IJustGotRektSon 236 points 14 hours ago

Ending America's problems one dunk at the time


[–]Warriors Tragedy_Boner 181 points 14 hours ago

Hopefully he won't trade our young core away for AD


[–]Rockets bigtice 85 points 13 hours ago

I'm okay with this -- there are a lot of people in this country that should be traded away.



[–]OrderlyPanic 1448 points 15 hours ago

I agree with him but if you're someone who gets your news from facebook memes than yes, please shut up.


[–][ATL] Paul Millsap Jfklikeskfc 146 points 14 hours ago

Yeah like the sentiment is good, but at the same time guys like Kyrie should shut up about things like the world being flat when they clearly have no fucking clue what they’re talking about


[–]Cavaliers Emerphish 96 points 14 hours ago

And Steph with the moon landing. Nobody is an expert on more than one or two subjects; express your opinions to your heart’s content, but don’t go trying to disagree with facts.


[–]Bulls BaronVonHoopleDoople 61 points 12 hours ago

This is where the 'Ratatouille' lesson applies: anyone can cook, but that doesn't mean everyone can cook.

Anyone from the NBA (or any profession) can have something worthwhile to say, but not everyone will. We shouldn't tell players to shut up just because they're in the NBA, but we shouldn't assume their words have merit just because they're in the NBA either.



[–]Cavaliers Not_Pablo_Sanchez 425 points 14 hours ago

What if you get your news from reddit memes?


[–][CHA] Kemba Walker multiple4 231 points 14 hours ago

Keep going...


[–]Raptors hipposarebig 35 points 14 hours ago

Well, we're enlightened and special


[–]Rockets nowaygreg 123 points 13 hours ago

...but it's from one of the subs you don't like


[–][PHI] Ben Simmons killxgoblin 107 points 12 hours ago

Ok stop rn



[–]Book andaglassofwine 34 points 14 hours ago

Yeah but do I want to hear my doctor’s or accountant’s personal views on politics when I’m using their medical or accounting expertise?


[–]Bulls delightfuldinosaur 18 points 14 hours ago

Except I don't think the opinions of any of those people are more important because of this position, unless it's something specifically related to one of them.

So if I went to the doctor's and he started trying to argue with me about politics I'd tell him to shut up and do his job too.


[–]Rockets splanket 86 points 15 hours ago

While I agree, the point was never "you're just your occupation", it was more that if you make statements about something outside your field that you have no real knowledge about, you shouldn't be surprised if you're criticized by experts in that field. And before anything else, yes the way Laura Ingraham used "shut up and dribble" was almost certainly racist and without a doubt inappropriate.

火箭球迷:我赞成詹姆斯的不雅点,可重点毫不在在“你的职业远代表不了你小我”,更多的是如许:假如你就你所处行业以外的范畴颁发不雅点,并且你对这一行还不年夜领会的话,如果那一行的专业人士报复你,你也别感应希奇。起首声明一句,没错,Laura Ingraham客岁喷詹姆斯和杜兰特用的那句“闭嘴好好打球”几近就是轻视,绝对是不适合的。

[–]Celtics FreedomFromIgnorance 154 points 14 hours ago

I think the reason say this sort of thing to actors and athletes is because their opinions on politics, etc. get so much attention because of their fame, when they likely don’t know more about a topic than the average Joe. I’m a lawyer, so my views on climate policy, for example, shouldn’t be given much weight as it’s not my field - and considering I’m not famous, they don’t. The same applies to athletes, but since they’re public figures people treat their opinions as if they matter.

Personally I don’t really give a shit though. I follow athletes for what they contribute to their sport and couldn’t care less about their political views, whether I agree with them or not. They certainly have the right to express them, I just don’t see why anyone would care so much about it.

凯尔特人球迷:我感觉Laura Ingraham这些人对有些演员和活动员的缘由在在,由于演员和活动员本身的知名度,他们所颁发的政治不雅点会造成很年夜的存眷度,可他们凡是对某个话题的领会水平还比不上某个通俗人。就拿我来讲,我是个律师,所以我对天气政策的观点应当是无足轻重的,由于这不是我的专业,再者我又没啥名望,所以也不痛不痒。这也合用在活动员,可因为他们是公家人物,公共对他们的不雅点仍是很在乎的。


[–]timberme 71 points 14 hours ago

That’s true.

However, experts in one field shouldn’t be trusted in another field. You can be the best doctor in the world, it doesn’t mean we should trust your opinion on other subjects. We have seen this happen countless times with experts from one field. Hell, even NBA owners do it. They become rich selling loans or software or whatever. That doesn’t make them competent owners. Kyrie and the flat earth is a perfect example.

You’re more than a label, but we shouldn’t discredit someone who has twenty years in a field over someone with no experience. Exercising good judgment and trusting in others from other fields is more so what it is about.




[–]Cavaliers TheOutlier1 559 points 15 hours ago

I completely agree... but at the same time when you say things like the earth is flat, or the moon landing was a fake, you can’t blame that you’re put on a platform you didn’t want. You either want to have a voice and accept that it has power, or you don’t.


[–][TOR] Fred VanVleet MenBearsPigs 24 points 11 hours ago

Exactly this.

They have a disproportionate influence and are mostly uneducated.



[–][GSW] Chris Mullin WindLane 29 points 13 hours ago

I've got no problem with celebrities and pro athletes having strong opinions and views.

I've got a problem when they preach at the general public like they're supposed to be some kind of expert.




[–]Warriors seribart 10 points 14 hours ago

He has a point but, if I go see my doctor about my messed up shoulder, and he decides to use my appointment as his "platform" to promote his political views, damn straight I'll tell him to shut-up and do his job.

I feel the same way about sports. The difference is, no one is sticking a mic in my doctors face after his shift.So I don't have to even be aware of his beliefs unless I am actually interested enough to ask.

But this is what I like about the NBA, they keep that shit out of the game. LeBron or any other player can do or say whatever they want on their own time and I'm free to ignore or pay attention as I see fit.




[–]Thunder UltraInstinctTB12 32 points 15 hours ago

You right Lebron we tell you to shut up because you say dumb shit like NFL owners are slave owners


[–]BalancedFurys 17 points 14 hours ago

Just shutup and make the playoffs. Lebron has turned into a guy that would get caught sucking his own dick since he moved to LA. He's so full of himself.


[–]Sun479 46 points 14 hours ago

Ever had a doctor bring up their politics during an appointment? Lawyer? Teacher? Janitor? Barista?

Nah, but athletes and sports writers feel entitled to doing so on sports programming without having people roll their eyes at them.



[–]umwhatshisname 44 points 12 hours ago

Teachers bring up their politics all. the. time.


[–][TOR] Fred VanVleet MenBearsPigs 14 points 11 hours ago

I hate when they do that shit.


[–]Warriors rawdfarva 37 points 14 hours ago

But doctors, lawyers and teachers all graduated college...


[–]ElPececillo 24 points 14 hours ago

the problem is that most profession doesn't have the media reach that these nba stars do







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