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亚博:詹杜季后赛 40+ 差距庞大| KD拿不了高分?

来源:yabo 编辑:U体育 所属栏目:欧冠 时间:2018-09-16 07:13:30

Kevin Durant ’s career playoff high is 43 points. For comparison , Lebron has scored 44 points or more 15 times in the playoffs

凯文-杜兰特季后赛最高得分是43 分,作为比力,勒布朗-詹姆斯季后赛44 分以上的场次都跨越了15 次.

They ’re two of the greatest scorers of the post 2000 ’s era. I thought t would be interesting to compare their respective volume in the playoffs. Obviously Lebron has played more playoff games and Durant still has time to add to his numbers.



[–][ORL ] Aaron Gordonninety4kid 298 points 2 days ago *

TIL: Dwight 's playoff career high is 3 points higher than KDs.


[–]KnicksPorzingusburger 9 points 2 days ago

Holy crap. Dwight was a fuckin beast. What the fuck happen to this dud ?


[–]jpw0w 42 points 2 days ago

age , injuries , too much fucking


[–]ClippersComprehensiveArt8 31 points 2 days ago

His back injury is severely underrated. He was never the same after. I think the criticism of his work ethic is also valid , so the combo of the two led to a big drop-off from MVP candidate to whatever he is today.

快船球迷:他的背部伤势现实上是被低估了,他自2011 年今后就打不出不异的表示了,我感觉对他打球道德的攻讦也是公道的,也是这二者致使了他从MVP 级此外候选人失落到了现在的无人问津的一般球员.


[–]BullsMundaneInternetGuy 119 points 2 days ago

Michael Jordan , 28

LeBron James , 15

Wilt Chamberlain/Allen Iverson , 8

No one else has more than 7 playoff games of 44 points or higher.


季后赛44 +场次:

乔丹:28 次

詹姆斯:15 次

张伯伦/艾弗森:8 次

除他们以外再也没有人在季后赛7 次以上拿到44 分了.

[–]NBALeJordanBelfort 65 points 2 days ago

Jordan was the fucking king of the Playoffs. Easily the goat



[–]Lakersalex94xela 80 points 2 days ago

Why does KD not seem to have volume on his higher scoring games ? In the reg season his career high is 54 but hes only hit 50 + 5 times. Like I know he gets buckets but why doesn 't he get to higher highs.

湖人球迷:为啥KD 看起来仿佛在高得分上产出不高啊?常规赛最高得分也就54 分,50 +以上的场次也就5 次,我知道他得分轻松非常,可是为啥他不克不及冲击更高的得分?

[–]peterson777 128 points 2 days ago

He is a go with the flow type of scorer only when the team is struggling is when KD says fuck it and they start using his insane scoring ability. Even on his mvp season when he was getting between 30 and 50 points on games there were many ganes where 6 minutes passed on the clock and he only had 2 field goal attempts. He doesnt force anything only when the team struggles. That is one of the reasons why there were games last season where KD scored above 39 points but lost the game because everyone on the team was playing horrible.

只要在球队堕入挣扎让杜兰特咬紧牙关得分时他才会年夜量得分,乃至是他的MVP 赛季获得30-50 分摆布的角逐里,常常角逐最先已六分钟时他才出手两次,直到球队碰到窘境时他才会逼迫本身出手,这也是为啥上赛季当KD 获得39 分以上时常常输失落角逐,首要缘由是由于当KD 得高分时球队常常都打得很糟.

[–]AaronBrownell 58 points 2 days ago

He also seems to value efficiency and his FG0%, he doesn 't just chuck shots up


[–]Hornetsskepticdoubt 198 points 2 days ago

KD is a better rapper , press f to pay respect

黄蜂球迷:不妨,KD 是一个更好的说唱歌手,我们用脏字表达我们的尊敬.

[–]Iwasbornathalfcourt [S ] 69 points 2 days ago

I was genuinely surprised by the quality of the song



[–]BucksTheDonbot 273 points 2 days ago

KD hasn 't been on a team where it is either possible (OKC with Westbrook ) or advisable (GS with Klay and Curry ) to regularly take the high amount of attempts needed to get to that many points. LeBron has been on a bunch of teams where it would be stupid for him not to take a large number of shots every single playoff game.

雄鹿球迷:现实上KD 历来没有待过需要他超出跨越手、高得分才需要赢球的步队,雷霆有威少、勇士有克莱和库里,而勒布朗曾在季后赛里率领过假如他不得分球队底子赢不了的球队.

[–]Warriorseggstacy 95 points 2 days ago *

very true.

Lebron with Kyrie:

2014-15: no playoff games above 40 points until the Finals (44 , 39 , 40 , 20 , 40 , 32 )

2015-16: only went above 40 points 2 times. both times scoring 41 pts in Finals games

2016-17: 41 pts against Pacers and Warriors , no other games above 40 points.

but then:

2017-18 (no Kyrie ): playoff highs of 51 , 46 , 46 , 45 , 44 , 44 , 43 , 42

and only above 40 pts in 3 playoff games total over 4 years with the Heat. 2011 was the worst and he didnt even have a Finals game with more than 25 points.

so all the rest of the 15 times that OP noted were from the pre-Decision no-help Cavs teams.



2014-15 赛季:在总决赛之前没有得分跨越40 +的角逐,总决赛欧文受伤(44 分,39 分,40 分,20 分,40 分,32 分)

2015-16 赛季:只有两场角逐获得了40 +,两场都是在总决赛获得了41 分.

2016-17 赛季:打勇士和步行者别离获得了41 分,其他时辰没有拿过40 分以上的分数

2017-18 赛季(没有欧文):季后赛40 +的场次:51 分,46 分,46 分,45 分,44 分,44 分,43 分,42 分.

而在热火的时辰四年一共只有三场角逐获得40 分以上,2011 年他阐扬的很糟,总决赛乃至没有一场得分跨越25 分.

所以那15 场得分跨越44 分以上的场次应当都产生在决议1 之前的骑士和掉去欧文以后的骑士吧.

[–][LAL ] Kobe Bryantswordsx48 84 points 2 days ago

17-18 really was the biggest carry job but one of the most amazing playoff runs ever. he almost willed them to the game 1 win as well.

湖人球迷:17-18 赛季对勒布朗来讲真的是超神的一年啊,他几近靠着一小我赢下了总决赛第一场.

[–]NBAStabiloService 52 points 2 days ago

Still so pissed the greatest finals performance (in a single game ) of this era was ruined by a fucking idiot.


[–][LAL ] Shaquille O 'NealNoResponsabilities 21 points 2 days ago

That series should have been this decade ’s Lakers-Sixers , with LeBron pulling an Iverson and willing a game 1 win. Too bad the Sixers didn ’t have anyone as dumb as JR...

湖人球迷:那轮总决赛像极了这个十年里的湖人对阵76 人,勒布朗像艾弗森一样带着强烈的信心想博得第一场角逐,可是76 人没有JR 如许的人啊……


[–][BOS ] Kevin Garnettceltics090 180 points 2 days ago

And yet , over their playoff careers ;

28.8ppg on 59.10% ts for Durant

28.9ppg on 57.90% ts for Lebron


杜兰特场均28.8 分,真实射中率59.10%;

詹姆斯场均28.9 分,真实射中率57.90%.

[–]shanmustafa 81 points 2 days ago

KD is consistently at 28-30

LeBron is all over the place because his game is well rounded , but when it ’s really time he ’ll give you those 40/12/8 games

LeBron this post season alone had more 40 point games than KD has in his playoff career

KD also had BAD stretch from 2012-13 to 2015-16 where in the RS he shot .635 and .560 in the playoffs , had a PER of 28.7 in the RS to a 22.6 in the playoffs , but you know , can ’t win with those cats esp when you ’re underperforming

KD 常常会将本身的得分不变在28-30 分.

由于勒布朗打球很周全,得分跳跃幅度就有些年夜,可是认真正需要他得分的时辰,他能打出一场40 +12 +8 的角逐.

勒布朗这一年季后赛获得40 +的场次比KD 全部职业生活生计季后赛获得40 +的场次还要多.

KD 在2012-13 赛季到2015-16 这3 个赛季季后赛都下滑严重.常规赛射中率高达63.50%但季后赛只有560%,而常规赛PER 值高达28.7 可是季后赛唯一22.6 ,可是你知道,当你打出低在预期表示的时辰你是很难和那些阿猫阿狗赢球的.

[–]GaryxBusey 65 points 2 days ago

... Lebron really isn ’t all over the place


[–][BOS ] Kyrie Irvingbricklaid 88 points 2 days ago

He is. A range from 30 to 51 is pretty large.

凯尔特人球迷:现实上幅度还挺年夜的,30 分到51 分的幅度不敷年夜嘛?

[–]NBAMygaffer 2 points 1 day ago

LeBron has played 239 playoff games , KD has played in 127.

Give him that 100 + games and then let 's compare.

勒布朗打了239 场季后赛,KD 才打了127 场好么?

再让他打个100 场季后赛再来比力OK ?

[–]Knicksdanny7290 13 points 2 days ago

KD is what you call a stealthy scorer.. he can score without being ball dominant , you can look up the score board and he has 28 points and your amused like when the hell did he score 28 points. He can literally score from anywhere... the only weakness is his post up game is probably due to his built but other than that ... the guy is a scoring machine.

尼克斯球迷:KD 是一个可以悄无声气得分的得分手,他可以不消年夜量持球得分,当你看到计分板他获得28 分时你会赞叹他这28 分是哪里来的,他理论上可以在任何位置得分……他的独一弱点是由于不敷强健而打不了低位,可是其他方面……这家伙就是个得分机械.








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